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12552 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands
12552 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands

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Dossier page on immigrants and health


Child care before and after school

Provision for care for children aged 4-12 who are in school. These facilities are only open before and after school and during the lunch break. They are often open on Wednesday afternoons and during...



Accommodation providing beds mostly in 1 and 2-bed rooms available for reservation per night, which may also provide separate meals, food and drink to guests and to non-guests. Also included are...


Tax on groundwater

A tax for extracting groundwater from the soil by companies mentioned in the law. The basis for the tax payable is how much groundwater, measured in cubic metres, was extracted by the company.



Temporary benefits before pension benefits are paid. This is based on the prepension scheme paid to former employees from premiums these employees themselves paid plus the yield of the investment of...


Organised trip

A holiday for which lodging and/or transport was booked through a travel agency or tour operator, the national motorist organisation ANWB, a bank, post office, tourist office, department store, a...


Youth Trends Report 2010 - Summary

This summary presents the main results of the Youth Trends Report 2010, which is based on information from the National Youth Monitor website.


Balance sheet

A summary of a company's or country's assets, liabilities, and net worth. The assets include machinery, buildings and non-produced assets such as land and mineral reserves, accounts receivable and...


Industry-wide pension fund

A fund in a branch of industry collecting money to insure the pensions of employees within that branch of industry (all funds come under paragraph 1, item b of the Pensioen- en spaarfondsenwet (1952,...


Imputed VAT

VAT is a tax on goods and services collected in stages by producers, which is ultimately charges in full to the final purchasers. Producers are obliged to hand over only the difference between the...


Gross hourly wage

The gross monthly wage divided by 1/12 of the annual working hours. This is the hourly wage that would apply if the employee were to take the holidays and reduced working hours' compensation in equal...


Macro integration - data reconciliation

Macro-economic statistics published by Statistics Netherlands must be consistent. The figure for GDP calculated according to the income approach, for example, must be the same as the figure...


National income (gross market prices)

All income received by Dutch residents as a result of their participation in a production process (domestic or foreign) or of the assets they own. This income consists of remuneration of employees,...



Someone forced to spend time in a Dutch penitentiary, such as a detention centre or jail, either awaiting a court case or serving a prison sentence or a measure passed by a judge, or awaiting...


Initial stock of commodities

The value on the balance sheet of commodities at the start of the period under review.


Weekly working hours

The number of working hours a week as stated in the employment contract. This includes ADV hours (the additional paid leave as a consequence of shorter working hours) but not ADV compensation in the...



A person who works for his/her own account and risk in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur) or as owner of a company who is on the payroll of the own company as a director...



Sometimes data are missing from surveys and registers, for example because a respondent cannot or will not answer a question. One way to cope with such missing values is to impute valid values, so...


Classification of Products by Activity (CPA)

The EU statistical classification of products by activity laid down in a regulation that is binding for the member states. It provides the common European framework for the comparison of statistical...


Labour income quote

The share of the rewards for labour in the net value added in the economy. The pay for labour includes the pay for employees plus the attributed pay for self-employed people and family-members...


Labour costs

The employer's cost directly related to employing individuals in the production process. These consist of two main components: wages and salaries paid, and the employer's share in social...


Social security fraud

Receiving too much in benefits or benefits to which one is not entitled after having provided incorrect or incomplete information or after withholding information that is relevant to the...


Operating returns

The results from normal business activities, this is the sales of goods and services, the value of stock changes, the activated production for the company, subsidies and damage claims.


CBS Urban Data Centres: substance and added value

About substance and added value of CBS Urban Data Centres


Measuring Inequalities in the Dutch Household Sector

In recent years, the importance of the households sector in measuring economic welfare has increasingly been recognised, and the development of additional indicators to measure inequalities is...
