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12550 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands
12550 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands

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Key figures for postcode areas, 2008-2010 and income data by 4-digit postcode area, 2009 (Dutch only)

Information on geography, demographics, housing, socio-economic class and income for postcode areas in the Netherlands. Commissioned by Sinfore and Jan van Es Institute.


Capital transfer

Payment for which no quid pro quo by the beneficiary is expected. It burdens the wealth of the payer, or is meant to finance fixed capital formation or other long-term expenditures of the receiver.


Adult general secondary education

Education for adults at the secondary level, provided since 1993 at the lower and higher secondary levels (mavo, havo and vwo) and also for Dutch as a second language for highly educated people.


Sheltered Employment Act (WSW)

The aim of the law is to create employment for people who can work but cannot succeed in finding regular employment due to physical or mental disabilities.


Field of education SOI 2006

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2006 based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.


Address check after notification

Police check on asylum seekers who have exhausted all legal procedures and who have to leave on their own. The police check the last-known address to see if the person has actually left.


Employer-paid social insurance premiums

The part of social insurance premiums paid by employers.


Why are there new fields in 2022?

frequently asked questions about Int. Trade in Goods


Under age suspect

Someone who was under 18 at the time he/she committed a crime. Simpler kinds of criminal behaviour are often dealt with in HALT programs. Nobody under the age of 12 can be prosecuted.


Static archive

Part of the archive that applies to records in the archive that must be preserved under the law on archives of 1995. In principle this applies to government documents over 20 years old.


Day cases of nursing care or curative care

A kind of treatment or nursing taking several hours (less than 24) in a health care institution, necessary because of an examination or treatment on that same day.


Life expectancy table

Table showing how many of 100,000 newborn boys or girls will reach the age of 0.5, 1.5, 2,5 years etc. on the basis of the mortality rate during a given period or birth cohort.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 29 September-3 October 2014 (Week 40).


CBS mapping online platforms

We are trying to assess how many online platforms there are. This is not information which we can simply derive from our business registers


Index of earnings

Index showing the development of the average wage earned, corrected for changes in the composition of the work force in the branch of industry, age, sex and kind of work.


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours;(2000=100), 2000-2014

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2000=100 monthly, SIC'93



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 25 August - 29 August 2014 (Week 35).


Assessment of Environmental Accounts of Botswana

This is a report to assess the state of play of Environmental Accounts (SEEA) in Botswana.


Operating costs

The costs made to achieve the operating profits, that is the purchase value of the turnover, labour costs, and depreciation on assets, and other business expenditure.


People working from home

Someone who agrees to work for another person or company from home – outside the direct control of the other party - for a preset amount, not using more than two helpers from outside the family.


Sports clubs and schools; members, operating costs and revenues 1987-2006

Sports clubs and sports schools Members, operating costs and revenues


Unemployment and discouraged jobless people by type of benefit, 2003-2013

Custom-made tables on unemployment and discouraged unemployed people by main source of income from 2003 to 2013. The tables contain information on the total group of unemployed persons by duration of...


Industry; production, sales, orders, SIC 2008, 2000-2012

Production, sales and orders Industry; manufacturing, mining and quarrying and public utilities
