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2444 results for gas consumption
2444 results for gas consumption

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Inbound and outbound goods transport virtually stable in 2019

In 2019, altogether 629 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands, i.e. 1 percent up on the previous year.


Economic outlook more negative

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more unfavourable in February 2021.


Household spending nearly 1 percent up in February

Dutch household consumption was almost 1 percent up in February 2019 on February 2018.


Household spending over 1 percent up in March

Dutch consumers spent 1.1 percent more in March 2019 than in March 2018.


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; construction period

Energy intensities services by construction period Natural gas electricity sector construction period services


Domestic consumption by households

All expenditure by households in the Netherlands, at trade, or directly at the producer plus the expenditure through non-profit institutions for households.


Household and farm water usage surged in 2018

In 2018, drinking water consumption by Dutch households increased by 7 percent relative to one year previously. The agricultural sector used considerably more water than in 2017 (150 percent).


Trade surplus remains stable despite COVID-19

In the first eight months of 2020, the value of Dutch goods exports was 35 billion euros higher than goods imports. This trade surplus is virtually equal to one year previously.


Economic growth of 7.8 percent in Q3 2020

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 7.8 percent in Q3 2020 relative to Q2 2020.


Jobs of employees; internationalisation of companies 2010-2018

Employee jobs, job volume, wage International trade in goods and services, multinationals, ownership


Number of adult smokers down in 2020

In 2020, 20 percent of the Dutch adult population indicated they smoked occasionally.


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; floor area

Energy intensities services by floor area natural gas electricity services sector floor area


Higher CO2 emissions in fourth quarter of 2019

In the fourth quarter of 2019, CO 2 emissions were 1.8 percent up year-on-year.


Smaller material footprint, more recycling than the EU average

The Netherlands consumed over 20 percent fewer materials than in 2000. Material consumption per capita is lower than average in the EU and the material footprint per capita is lower.


Household spending almost 3 percent up in December

Dutch consumers spent 2.9 percent more in December 2019 than in December 2018.


Economy enters recession stage

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in mid-April is slightly less favourable than in the previous month.


Coronavirus pandemic increases urgency of new data sources for CBS

Society’s need to describe complex phenomena - such as the consequences of an economic crisis - is growing exponentially.


Economic outlook slightly more negative

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become slightly more unfavourable in January.


Steady growth consumer spending

Steady growth consumer spending


Consumer spending slightly up

Consumers spending slightly up


Well-being high in 2019, but more pressure on environment

Although well-being in the Netherlands increased in 2019, not everybody benefited from this equally. Well-being is under pressure in a number of areas: time lost through traffic congestion, less...


Dutch government policy from the perspective of the SDGs

In May 2016 the Dutch Cabinet presented its approach to implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Netherlands.


Steady growth consumer spending

Dutch consumer spending was 1.0 percent up in August 2016 from August 2015. Spending on services rose considerably.


Half of imports from the UK not for domestic use

In 2018, the Netherlands imported 26.4 billion euros worth of goods from the United Kingdom. This amount was only higher in 2012 and 2013.


Dutch consumer spending up again

Dutch consumer spending up again
