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1943 results for energy savings
1943 results for energy savings

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Schools eat into their financial reserves

For the second year running, schools in primary and secondary education face a deficit. The 2011 deficit amounted to 171 million euros, versus 190 million euros one year previously.


International Trade in Services

Read more about the survey.


Petrol price reaches new record high

The litre price of Euro95 averaged 1.776 euro in March 2012. Consumers can obtain cheaper petrol at self-service stations.


Sustained growth number of e-shoppers in 2010

E-shopping is still gaining popularity. Last year, 9.3 million people bought goods and services over the Internet.


National accounts; structure national net lending/borrowing 1969 - 2012

Structure of national net lending/borrowing Annual data


Regional accounts; transactions of the sector households 1995-2011

Primary and secondary income distribution of the section households Region and period


The consumer price index

Since 2010, CBS has increasingly used scanner data in calculating indices for the consumer price index (CPI).


Pension funds; investments before and after consolidation 2008-2016

Investments before and after consolidation. Debt securities; other equity and investment fundshares.


Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Dutch consumer confidence index drops faster than European average

In June 2007, the Dutch – together with the Finns and the Poles – were still among Europe’s most optimistic consumers. Nine months later, optimism has largely evaporated.


Own home main asset

In 2006, well before the credit crisis, Dutch households had assets worth a total 1,566 billion euro, most of which was accounted for by own homes. To offset these assets, the households had a total...


Fewer women stay at home to care

The number of women who could not accept jobs of twelve hours or more a week, because they had to care for their families was reduced form 755 thousand in 2001 to 318 thousand in 2010.


Municipal cuts on arts and culture

This year’s municipal spending on arts and culture is anticipated to total nearly 1.7 billion euros, 3.7 percent down from 2012. The per capita amount is reduced from 103 to 98 euros.


Lowest number of asylum requests since 1988

In 2007, the number of asylum requests submitted in the Netherlands had reached its lowest point since 1988. Iraqi and Somali asylum seekers constituted the largest groups.


1.2 million Dutch with dual nationality

On 1 January last year, there were 1.2 million people in the Netherlands with at least one other nationality in addition to the Dutch nationality, an increase by 40 thousand relative to 1 January...


Census-taking in the Balkans

In Croatia, Bosnia and North Macedonia, the population census is still carried out in a traditional fashion, using pen and paper


Mainly more green electricity from solar power

In 2018, the Netherlands generated 8 percent more electricity from renewable sources than in the previous year. Electricity production from solar power increased in particular.


Consumer prices 2.9 percent up in April

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.9 percent higher in March than in the same month one year previously.


Lower natural gas consumption keeps down consumption growth

Dutch households spent 0.6 percent more on goods and services in the first month of this year than in January 2006. They spent 0.6 percent less on goods.


High profits on bonds

In the first nine months of 2010, the value of bonds increased by more than 23 billion euro. In this period, the value of newly issued bonds minus paid-off bonds was 27 billion euro.


General government surplus 1.8% of GDP in mid-2019

In the first six months of 2019, the government had a budget surplus of 14 bn euros, as revenues increased more rapidly than expenditure.
