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2220 results for agricultural areas
2220 results for agricultural areas

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Consumer prices rising less rapidly

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.6 percent higher in February than in the same month last year.


National accounts 2009; Macroeconomic data

Gross domestic product, national income, volume change Specification of the most important macroeconomic data


Randstad economy fourth largest in Europe

The Randstad region is the largest economic urban region in the European Union (EU) after Paris, London and Milan, but the per capita production in the Randstad is lower than in many other urban...


Record cereal yields per hectare

Dutch arable farmers achieved a record harvest of the cereal varieties wheat and barley.


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6....


Measuring the SDGs: an initial picture for the Netherlands

Report of the first findings on where the Netherlands stands in terms of the SDG indicators.


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6....


Education more challenging with Big Data

Analysis of big data is becoming ever more important for governments to facilitate effective


State space time series

Model selection and MSE estimation in the state space model for the Dutch Labour Force Survey.


Economic contraction on Bonaire and Saba in 2017

In 2017, the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) declined on Bonaire and Saba, by 1.3 and 1.4 percent respectively. On St Eustatius, GDP rose by 6.6 percent.


Well-being differs between men and women

On a number of aspects, the well-being of men in the Netherlands is higher than that of women. For example, men are more likely to rate their own health as good or very good. Women do better than men...


Reliable data in times of corona and beyond

Reliable data in times of corona and beyond


Women’s emancipation: a slow process

Women work fewer hours, earn lower incomes. More women in top civil sector and commercial sector positions.


Statistics Netherlands exploring indicators for Sustainable Development Goals

Statistics Netherlands exploring indicators to monitor progress on the Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030


Statistics Netherlands exploring indicators for Sustainable Development Goals

SDGs are the new international benchmark for sustainable development in 193 countries.


Employee sickness absence increased further in 2019

Last year, absenteeism in the public and the private sector due to illness or injury rose to 4.4 percent.


Exports nearly 400 times higher than in 1917

The Netherlands' external trade has grown explosively over the past century.


Motor vehicles; overview per period and technological features, 2000-2012

Motor vehicles by age, type of fuel, model, weight of the vehicle and by province of residence and age of the owner


Quarterly national accounts; values

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Values at current and constant prices


Quarterly national accounts; changes

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Monetary valuation of ecosystem services for the Netherlands

This report shows the first experimental results for the Netherlands on monetary valuation of ecosystem services and ecosystem assets using the SEEA EEA framework (System of Environmental-Economic...


Nearly 3 in 5 Dutch people used online platforms in 2019

In 2019, 58 percent of the Dutch population aged 12 years and over had made use of online platforms to order or exchange goods or services.


Lower CO2 emissions in third quarter of 2019

In the third quarter of 2019, CO2 emissions were 4.4 percent down year-on-year.
