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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Manufacturing output prices almost 13 percent up in June

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 12.6 percent up in June year-on-year.


National Accounts 2020 tables

Supply- and use tables, input-output tables and sector accounts


Producer confidence at record level

In June 2021, the mood among Dutch manufacturers has improved again and reached the highest level since the survey started in 1985.


Business confidence higher at start of third quarter

Business confidence continued its upward climb at the start of the third quarter of 2021, reaching the highest level since measurements started in 2008.


Monitor of Well-being & the SDGs 2021

De ontwikkeling van welvaart in de brede zin van het woord – economisch, ecologische en sociaal-maatschappelijk – in Nederland en de voortgang in Nederland m.b.t. de SDG’s van de Verenigde Naties.


Goods exports to Germany up by 10.5 percent

In the first four months of 2021, goods exports to Germany grew by 10.5 percent to 40.6 billion euros.



A legal person created through a notarised deed or will to serve a certain purpose with the aid of capital. It may generate profits, but these must be paid to an idealistic or social purpose.


Manufacturing output 12.5 percent down in May

In May 2020, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 12.5 percent down on May 2019.


Household consumption nearly 9 percent up in May

Consumers spent 8.8 percent more in May 2021 than in May 2020.


Consumer confidence hardly changed in July

In June, Consumers are slightly less negative.


New members appointed to the Advisory Council

Ms C.M. (Charlotte) Insinger and Mr F.J.H. (Henk) Don have been appointed members of the Advisory Council of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) by Minister Wiebes of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). Ms...


Economic outlook more positive again

In August 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more positive.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022, first quarter – The Eurozone

How has the Netherlands' international trade with the euro zone developed since the introduction of the euro, compared to before and compared to (similar) other countries and territories? How is the...


Manufacturing output prices almost 13 percent up in May

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 12.9 percent up in May year-on-year.


Well-being stable despite coronavirus, but nature under pressure

The year 2020 was defined by the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 is confirmed to have claimed 17.4 thousand lives in the Netherlands last year, and another 2.7 thousand deaths had covid-19 as probable...


Producer confidence at highest level in three years

In May 2021, the mood among Dutch manufacturers has improved further. Producers have not been so positive since June 2018.


Donorregistration; background characteristics

Background characteristics Sex, age, origin and generation


Household consumption over 9 percent up in April

Consumers spent 9.4 percent more in April 2021 than in April 2020.


New regulations direct the role of CBS

The Dutch government has ratified the agreements governing the way Statistics Netherlands (CBS) works with the public sector, academia and business.


CBS tightens criteria for remote access to CBS databases

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) asked a committee of independent scientific experts to investigate external researchers’ use of remote access to consult CBS’ databases.


Nearly half of Dutch population included in Donor Register

On 2 January 2020, 49 percent of the Dutch population aged 18 years and over were included in the Donor Register.


Manufacturing output almost 10 percent down in June

In June 2020, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 9.7 percent down on June 2019.


Quinten Meertens’ breakthrough in how we think about bias

‘A breakthrough in how we think about bias’ – that is how professor Jaap van den Herik at Leiden University described Statistics Netherlands (CBS) researcher Quinten Meertens’ PhD thesis...


Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock, 1944-April 2021

Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock Feedstocks, destination


Livestock pigs, 1981- 2020

Livestock pigs, number of piglets, sows and boars in April and December
