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12336 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12336 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Manufacturing output more than 3 percent up in October

In October 2022, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 3.3 percent on October 2021.


Household consumption up by over 1 percent in July

Households spent 1.1 percent more in July 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources

Air pollution, emissions of mobile sources Road traffic, inland shipping, railways, aviation, navigation, machinery.


Exports down by 1 percent in June

In June 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 1.0 percent year on year.


Presentation Monitor of well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals 2023

To ensure that everyone can share in the combination that the earth offers and the prosperity it can generate, and to ensure that the quality of life is improved for as many people as possible, the...


Manufacturing output prices almost 21 percent up in October

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were up by an average of 20.9 percent year on year.


Exports radar

The Exports Radar is an instrument to analyse developments in exports of goods.


Household consumption radar

The Household Consumption Radar is an instrument to analyse developments in consumption by Dutch households.


Exports up by over 2 percent in April

In April 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for number of working days) was up by 2.3 percent year on year.


Care sector has the most female workers

There were 11.5 million jobs in the Dutch economy in 2023, an increase of 8 million since 1995.


Exports down by over 4 percent in May

In May 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 4.3 percent year on year.


How does CBS measure well-being?

The development of well-being in the broad sense of the word – economic, ecological and social – in the Netherlands and the progress with regard to the SDGs of the United Nations; the current figures...


Producer food prices down in first half, no fall in consumer prices

Producer prices of food products were 4.2 percent lower in July than in January 2023


Pronounced Bankruptcies; company age and number of employees

Bankruptcies Company age and number of employees


Household consumption down by 0.7 percent in June

Households spent 0.7 percent less in June 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Three quarters of business owners aiming to boost productivity

Three quarters of business owners report that they are taking steps to increase the productivity of their business.


Workers' retirement age nearing 66

A total of 86 thousand Dutch employees retired in 2023.


Investment down by almost 3 percent in February

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by almost 3 percent year on year.


Unemployment slightly up in April

Over the past three months, the number of unemployed people has risen by an average of 2 thousand per month.


Business confidence slightly less negative once again

There has been another slight improvement in business confidence, which stood at -6.0 at the start of Q2 2024.


Over half of Dutch people work from home sometimes

Over 5 million people in the Netherlands worked from home sometimes or most of the time in 2023, representing 52 percent of all people in work


Health and health care; personal characteristics

Health, limitations, pain, health care Disorders, informal care


Vehicle mileage not yet back at pre-pandemic level

In 2021, Dutch motor vehicles, with the exception of motorcycles and mopeds, travelled a total distance of nearly 134 billion kilometres in the Netherlands and abroad.


House prices almost 5 percent lower in August

In August, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 4.8 percent cheaper than in August 2022.


Confidence among manufacturers improving in August

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in August than they were in July.
