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12553 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands
12553 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands

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Dutch Caribbean

The Dutch Caribbean consists of the islands Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba.


Migrants Monitor, phase 2 (Dutch only)

Complete tables on immigrants from the European Union or one of the EU candidate countries living or working in the Netherlands. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.



A position which a company or institution is looking to fill with personnel that can be appointed right away or as soon as possible.


Time use of young people 2009 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), Statistics Netherlands' Centre for Policy Related Statistics has composed a set of tables on the time use of young people in...


Inland water for recreation

Inland water in use for recreational purposes, such as water on golf links and parks, stretches for rowing and lakes for recreation.


Social provision

Social benefits that are not insurance based as there are no premiums to be paid. The provision is financed directly from public funds.


VINEX classification

Classification of municipalities or groups of municipalities where the construction of housing is encouraged within the framework of the VINEX regulation for spatial planning.


Push boat

Motor boat with a capacity of at least 37 kW, designed or refitted to push barges or tug boats, but not to transport freight.


Toddler care centre

Provision for child care intended for children between 18 months and 4 years old, open on work days for a maximum of four consecutive hours.


Subsidised sector

Employees working for employers who come under the law on labour conditions for the subsidised sector (Wet Arbeidsvoorwaardenontwikkeling Gepremieerde en Gesubsidieerde Sector).


Tanker trade

Shipping with tankers or combi ships that carry mostly or only liquid bulk freight; and empty tankers and empty combi ships used in tanker trade.



Contract starting on a given date where the accumulated savings are divided among the participants who are still alive at the end of the contact.


Special education

Until 1998 primary education for children requiring a special approach due to behavioural problems, learning disabilities or physical problems (from the age of four).


The list of consolidated companies includes also companies with other activities. Is this correct?

frequently asked questions about Annual / Production statistics


Household consisting of a couple without children

Private household consisting of a couple without children living at home (and possibly with other members).



Motor vehicle on two or three wheels, with or without sidecar, fitted with a combustion engine with a cylinder capacity of 50 cubic centimetres or more.


Unoccupied dwellings 2013: are they available for the housing market?

Report and tables on the availability of unoccupied dwellings in the Netherlands on 1 July 2013. The tables contain information on energy consumption, possible secondary functions and approved...


Student card for public transport

Card permitting travel on public transport valid for one year. Introduced in 1991 as part of a student financing scheme (WSF).


Ro-ro cargo

All cargo shipped in containers or otherwise rolled onto and off seagoing vessels through the roll-on roll-off method (including the rolling transport units themselves).


Introduction StatLine

Introduction StatLine


Unnatural death

Death of a person caused by murder, manslaughter, violence, traffic accident, accident in or around the home or in and around the work place, or suicide.



All payments made in cash or in kind to employees, except wages during illness, redundancy payments and compensation for health insurance premiums.


Public-financed health care institutions; key figures, 2006-2014

Profit-and-loss account, balance sheet, personnel, hospitals, youth care nursing homes and home care, mental health care, care for the disabled


Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by ProdCom

Price index numbers including and excluding excise according to product nomenclature Prodcom


Gross annual wage

The sum of gross wages, the annual wage applicable for social insurance schemes, employee contributions to pension and early retirement schemes and employee savings schemes.
