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12553 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands
12553 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands

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Gross fixed capital formation by corporations and households including PNP serving households

Investments to expand or replace assets by sectors corporations, households and non-profit organisations serving households.


General Survivors Pension Act (ANW)

Provision against the financial consequences of death. In the Dutch social security system this is a social insurance.


Demographic pressure

The sum of the number of people aged between 0 and 20 and people aged 65 and over, in relation to people aged 20 to 65.


Penal Code

Code that sets out which offences are criminal offences, and which are misdemeanours, and also defines what penalties may be imposed for these offences and misdemeanours.


Administrative court appeal

Case in administrative law in which the interested party contests an administrative decision before an independent judge (usually in the administrative section of the court).


Immovable goods (also: real estate)

Immovable objects attached to or set in the land, such as dwellings, buildings, business premises, land, woods and mines.


Summary proceedings

Procedure for the judge (previously president) of the court (sometimes the president of the central court of appeal) applied when a case demands an immediate provision.


Investment in the environment

Fixed capital formation with the primary aim to protect, restore or improve the environment, of which the costs will not be recovered within three years.


Fields and tracks

Only field and tracks outside. Excluding natural ice rinks and field that belong to army barracks, schools and other institutions.


Public company

A legal person whose capital is divided into shares which are freely transferable. The transferability of shares may be limited, and shares may be nominative shares or bearer shares.


Low income

An income converted to a single person’s income, that represents a purchasing power of less than 9 250 euro in prices of the year 2000


Length of day trip

Difference between the time of departure and the time of return from a day trip. A day trip takes minimally two hours.


Marriage duration

The duration of the marriage in years calculated as the difference between the year of observation and the year in which the marriage was contracted.


Purchasing power

Standardised disposable household income deflated by the consumer price index. This makes incomes comparable over time. Purchasing power increases when standardised income grows faster than prices.



A regular payment of benefits to replace or supplement income from work. The benefits are paid after reaching a certain age, death or disablement.


Valuation at current prices

Valuation at current prices means that the flows and stocks in a given reporting period are valued at the prices of that period.


Public Prosecution Service

Government body responsible for upholding the law, detecting and prosecuting punishable acts, implementing penalties and informing the judge in as far as required by law.


General fertility rate

The number of live born babies per 1000 of the average number of women aged 15 to 50 in a certain period (usually a calendar year)


Special secondary education

In the period 1998-2002 the continuation of secondary education to children with learning difficulties and behavioural problems (VSO-LOM and VSO-MLK).



Salary is wage. Originally salaries were only paid to civil servants, but the distinction between wages and salaries is no longer made.


Perinatal mortality

The total number of still births after a pregnancy of at least 24 weeks, plus babies who died within seven days after birth.


Collective labour agreement sector private companies

The collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) sector consisting of private companies not belonging to the subsidised corporations or government sector.


Single parent household

Private household consisting of one parent and at least one child who lives at home, and possibly additional members.


Job characteristics of ESF-participants in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (Dutch only)

At the request of research institute EIM Statistics Netherlands' Centre for Policy Related Statistics has compliled figures on the jobs of ESF-participants. The figures show how many participants had...


Sector non-financial corporations

The institutional sector of the economy consists of legal entities whose principle activity is the production of market goods and non-financial services.
