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12553 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands
12553 results for Green Growth in the Netherlands

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Gross weight (goods transport)

The total weight of transported goods plus the weight of the packaging, but excluding the weight of the transport unit.


Archive administration Training A

Training in archivistics at the University of Amsterdam in cooperation with the Institute for archival training and research in Amsterdam.



The volume of goods of one kind that is transported with one transporter in one go from the loading to the unloading area.


Institution for the mentally disabled

Institution certified by the Health Care Insurance Board (College van Zorgverzekeringen) as an institution providing care for mentally disabled people.


Labour volume

The volume of labour input in the production process, in terms of hours worked or full-time equivalents


Other vegetable waste

Residual vegetable matter derived from industrial processes (mainly paper manufacturing) or agriculture waste (straw, peelings from coffe beans and the like).


Annual planning publication calendar

The annual planning publication calendar has been published today.


Wage gaps in the Dutch public and private sector, 2009 (Dutch only)

Custom-made table on wage gaps in the public and private sector in the Netherlands in 2009. Commissioned by: the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Note: a new version of this table has been...


External capital account

The part of the balance of payments recording changes in the financial assets and liabilities of the rest of the world.


Social insurance day

Day for which employees are paid wages, including days on which employees receive benefits due to illness, disability or unemployment.


Social insurance benefits

Benefits paid by social insurance institutions for unemployment, disability, sickness, old age etc.


Additives and oxygenates

Additions to oil products to modify fuel properties. These are chemical products derived from natural gas, crude oil of vegetable matter.


Journey (not for profession)

Journey or part of a journey with a single motive regardless of whether one or more modes of transport are used.


Tennis hall

Accommodation with one or more tennis courts, possibly in combination with other sports facilities but without sports room or hall.



A mixture of light oils used as fuel for spark ignition engines. It contains motor gasoline, aviation gasoline and gasoline type jet fuel.


Tug-pushed dumb barge

Barge intended for freight shipping without self-propulsion, which has to be pushed by a tug boat or motor vessel.


Couple without children

Private household consisting of a couple without children living at home and without other household members.


Sector non-financial corporations

The institutional sector of the economy consists of legal entities whose principle activity is the production of market goods and non-financial services.


Marriage duration

The duration of the marriage in years calculated as the difference between the year of observation and the year in which the marriage was contracted.



A regular payment of benefits to replace or supplement income from work. The benefits are paid after reaching a certain age, death or disablement.


Residential area (Gf-Fvw)

An uninterrupted area of 500x 500 metre grid within a municipality, or an isolated grid of which each square contains 25 addresses or more.


Labour cost subsidy

Subsidy on the total wage sum of a company based on the act to combat the volume of labour disability (TAV).


Parent in a one-parent family

Person without a partner but with at least one child living at home, forming a private household.


Transport area

A regional classification, based on the COROP classification, used in trade and transport statistics, showing regions with major import and export flows in international goods trade.


Generation (migration background)

Further seduction of persons with a migration background to persons with a first generation migration background and persons with a second generation migration background.
