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1383 results for short holidays
1383 results for short holidays

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Manufacturing output down slightly

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry dropped by 0.6 percent in August 2012 compared to August 2011. Output had also decreased in the two preceding months.


Construction industry; turnover development by company size, 2005 - 2012

Turnover indices and change Sector/branches (SIC 2008) and company size: small, mid size, large


Manufacturing output 3 percent up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 3 percent higher in May 2011 than in May 2010.


Tourism accounts

The tourism accounts provide a quantitative description of tourism in line with the concepts of the national accounts. They provide insight into the expenditure, value added and employment associated...


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1987 - 2013

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Manufacturing output over 3 percent up in May

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.2 percent up in May compared to the same month last year.


More flex workers with a migration background

People with a non-western migration background are less likely to be in paid work than those with a native Dutch background. Those who do have paid work relatively often have a flexible contract.


Investments of institutional investors 1996 - 2014

Total investments; breakdown in terms of percentage by type of investment Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Further recovery for manufacturing output

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was almost 8 percent down in September 2009 on September 2008.


Decrease in manufacturing output stable

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 7 percent down in October 2009 on October 2008.


Manufacturing output 7 percent higher

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 7 percent higher in August 2010 than in August 2009. In July, output growth was also 7 percent. Over the past few months, manufacturing...


Slower growth for manufacturing output

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1 percent higher in October 2011 than in October 2010.


Sharp increase in unemployment

In the period November 2003 – January 2004 the Netherlands averaged 444 thousand unemployed. This is an increase of 126 thousand compared to the same period last year.


Continued decline for manufacturing output

Output levels in the Dutch manufacturing industry in May 2013 were 1.8 percent below the level of twelve months previously. The contraction was larger than in April.


Output growth manufacturing industry slows down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent higher in August 2011 than in August 2010.


Manufacturing output 7 percent up

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 7 percent higher in June than one year previously.
