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4760 results for fuel pump prices

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House prices over 6 percent higher in September

In September 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 6.1 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Consumer prices; European harmonised price index 2005=100 (HICP), 2002-2015

European harmonised consumer price indices. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2005 = 100)


Dutch prices show steepest rise within the eurozone

In March 2019, consumer prices in the Netherlands rose twice as fast as the rate across the eurozone. The gap between Dutch and eurozone CPI-based inflation has widened


Manufacturing output prices down in August

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products decreased by 0.8 percent year-on-year in August 2019. Prices were down for the first time in three years.


Household spending 3.5 percent down in September

Consumers spent 3.5 percent less in September 2020 than in the same month last year.


Consumer confidence hardly changed in September

In September, Dutch consumers are slightly less pessimistic than in August.


Exogenous shocks - Brexit (chapter 5 Internationalisation Monitor)

Trade in goods with the UK after Brexit: Truly tariff-free? brexit


Consumer prices 2.0 percent up in November

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2 percent higher in November than in the same month last year.


Consumer prices; price index frequent purchases, 2006=100, 2006 - 2015

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures of frequent out of pocket purchases and non frequent or non out of pocket purchases 2006=100


Retail turnover 4 percent up in September

In September, the Dutch retail sector recorded 4 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Consumer prices 2.6 percent up in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.6 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Consumer prices 2.0 percent up in December

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.0 percent higher in December than in the same month one year previously.


Consumer prices; price index 2006 = 100, 1996 - 2015

Consumer price indices (base year 2006=100) Consumer goods


House prices almost 6 percent higher in August

In August 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 5.7 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Consumer prices 2.8 percent up in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.8 percent higher in August than in the same month one year previously.


Economic outlook more positive again

In August 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more positive.


Inflation rate down to 0.7 percent in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 0.7 percent higher in August than in the same month last year.


CPI; Overview COVID-19 adjustments, as from April 2020

Statistics Netherlands maps where action had to be taken in the consumer price index because of the consequences of COVID-19 as from April 2020.


Prices frequent purchases increase faster than prices less frequent purchases

Prices of products frequently bought by Dutch consumers have risen twice as fast over the past five years as less frequently bought products.


Prices frequent purchases rise less rapidly than prices infrequent purchases

Prices of frequently bought goods and services have increased less rapidly since July 2013 than prices of goods and services Dutch consumers buy only rarely. In the prior four years the situation was...


Consumer prices; average prices of food, 1800 - 2018

Average prices food: beer, bread, butter, cheese, coffee, eggs, margarine milk, pork steak, potatoes, rice, stewing steak, sugar and tea


Similar development of public transport and car costs

Price developments in public transport were virtually on a par with developments in car costs between 2009 and November 2018. In this period, the cost of both types of transport rose more rapidly...


Manufacturing output prices hardly changed

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 0.1 percent up in July 2019 year-on-year.


Prices in the sector services more stable than manufacturing prices

In the third quarter of 2008, prices of commercial services were 2.7 percent up on one year previously, the largest price increase in two years.


House prices 7 percent higher in July

In July 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 7.0 percent higher than in the same month last year.
