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3260 results for base shift
3260 results for base shift

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Model-based estimation - synthetic estimators and small area estimators

Sampling theory contains situations in which estimates can be improved by using explicit models. For example, if the sample design is unknown, or a sample results in only few observations per...


Investments by enterprises in industry; expectations and motives

Investments, expectations, motives, enterprises, industry Business Sector SBI 2008


Majority of mbo students with non-western background opt for theory-based learning track

Students with a non-western background in general secondary vocational education (mbo) more often than native Dutch students prefer the more theoretically-oriented learning track (bol) to the...


Base Year Revision Industrial Producer Price Index, 2010=100

In March 2013, Statistics Netherlands switched to publishing PPI index series with reference year 2010=100. This document gives information on this base year revision.


Estimation of household income based on asset ownership

The study aims the improvement of quality of the Integrated Household Survey (IHS) of GeoStat.


Recalculation of Dutch stationary Green House Gas emissions based on sectoral energy statistics 1990-2002

This report documents the recalculation of Dutch stationary GHG emissions by Statistics Netherlands in 2004/2005. This recalculation has been executed for the period 1990-2002 and was instigated by a...


Livestock cattle, 2008 - 2020

Livestock cattle, position of dairy cattle and cattle for fattening according to Agricultural Census and Earmark registration


Inflation rate down to 1.4 percent in July

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.4 percent higher in July than in the same month last year.


11 percent of energy consumption from renewable sources in 2020

In 2020, renewable energy accounted for 11.1 percent of total Dutch energy consumption.


Economic outlook more positive again

In August 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more positive.


Accommodation and food services largest employer on Bonaire

In 2019, there were nearly 11 thousand employee jobs on Bonaire.


Economic growth on Bonaire in 2018

In 2018, Bonaire's gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 3.9 percent in volume.


Nearly 4.4 thousand COVID-19 deaths in January

In January 2021, altogether 4,387 people died of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.


Economic growth of 3.1 percent in Q2 2021

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.1 percent in Q2 2021 relative to the previous quarter.


Dutch GDP per capita still relatively high within the EU

In 2020, Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) per capita amounted to nearly 46 thousand euros.


Household and farm water usage surged in 2018

In 2018, drinking water consumption by Dutch households increased by 7 percent relative to one year previously. The agricultural sector used considerably more water than in 2017 (150 percent).


CBS tightens criteria for remote access to CBS databases

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) asked a committee of independent scientific experts to investigate external researchers’ use of remote access to consult CBS’ databases.
