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2519 results for European identity
2519 results for European identity

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Dutch government surplus 14 billion euros in 2019

In 2019 the public surplus amounted to 1.7 percent of GDP. Both revenues and expenditure rose sharply. Public debt at the end of 2019 amounted to 48.6 percent of GDP.


Consumer prices 2.7 percent up in October

The consumer price index (CPI) was 27 percent higher in October than in the same month last year.


Higher trade deficits on Bonaire and Saba in 2019

In 2019, Bonaire saw the highest increase in trade deficit among the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.


€14 bn government surplus after first three quarters

The Dutch central government realised a budget surplus of more than 14 billion euros over the first three quarters of 2019.


Choice of an Index Method for Consumer Energy Prices

Recently, detailed customer data of utility companies were made available to Statistics Netherlands (CBS).



In 2019 reisde een recordaantal passagiers, ruim 81 miljoen, via een van de vijf nationale luchthavens van en naar Nederland. Dit is een stijging van 2,0 procent ten opzichte van 2018....


Brexit en export

Hoe heeft de goederen- en dienstenuitvoer naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk zich ontwikkeld in de loop van 2019? CBS-onderzoeker Marjolijn Jaarsma geeft hier een overzicht van. Over het CBS In een...


Employees from abroad;resident/non-resident,demographic variables,2010-2017

Jobs, foreign born employees, employee characteristics, job characteristics, country of birth/citizenship


Smaller material footprint, more recycling than the EU average

The Netherlands consumed over 20 percent fewer materials than in 2000. Material consumption per capita is lower than average in the EU and the material footprint per capita is lower.


Less road haulage to and from the United Kingdom

In 2018, road hauliers carried 4.6 million tonnes of goods between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


Record turnover for EU webshops

In Q2 2019, Dutch consumers purchased nearly half a billion euros worth of products from foreign EU webshops. This is the highest quarterly turnover ever recorded.


Measuring commercial property prices

Is the ubiquitous vacancy of retail space reflected in its property price developments? And how have the prices of office buildings developed since the credit crisis?


Consumer prices 2.6 percent up in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.6 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Mortality in second week of April estimated at 5,000

The number of deaths over week 15 is very likely in the range between 4,700 and 5,300. At least certain is that mortality is still higher than the weekly average throughout the period week 1 to 10...


Unemployment decline halting, also in the EU

In both the Netherlands and the rest of the EU, unemployment has stopped declining in recent months.


Consumer prices 2.8 percent up in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.8 percent higher in August than in the same month one year previously.


Agricultural exports hit record level

Agricultural exports amounted to an estimated 94.5 billion euros in 2019. This is 4.6 percent more than in 2018 and the highest level on record.


Caribbean Dutch population larger and older by 2030

According to the latest forecast by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the population of the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands is expected to grow further from 25 thousand currently to 30...


Goods imports from China worth over 39 billion euros

In 2018, the Netherlands imported 39.2 billion euros in goods from China. Two-thirds were re-exported.


Consumer prices 2.5 percent up in July

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.5 percent higher in July than in the same month one year previously.


Manual retail price observations discontinued

Manual retail price observations discontinued


Neighbourhood choice Statia and Saba differs per origin

People born in the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba and migrants partly choose other residential areas in St Eustatius and Saba.


EU webshops generate €390 million in the Netherlands

In Q1 2019, Dutch consumers purchased around 390 million euros (excl. VAT) worth of products from foreign EU webshops.


General government surplus 1.8% of GDP in mid-2019

In the first six months of 2019, the government had a budget surplus of 14 bn euros, as revenues increased more rapidly than expenditure.


Population growth already at the same level as 2018

In the first three quarters of 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew by 102 thousand, over 23 thousand more than in the same period last year and almost the same as population growth over the...
