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9367 results for statistical research
9367 results for statistical research

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Netherlands has the seventh largest trade surplus in the world

Worldwide, the Netherlands has the seventh largest trade surplus in the trade of goods . China and Germany have the largest trade surpluses in the world in the absolute sense. The United States have...


Labour force in Caribbean Netherlands: relatively more people in work

The labour force in the Caribbean differs from that in the Netherlands in a number of respects: relatively more people in the Caribbean (15- 74 years) are employed, and relatively more of them work...


Statutory Industrial Organization

Administrative Tribunal for Trade and Industry Statutory industrial organizations and disciplinary decisions


9 in 10 people access the internet every day

Access to the internet wherever and whenever you want: last year, 9 in 10 people accessed the internet on a daily basis. Today, Statistics Netherlands announced that a faster internet connection,...


Dutch economy grows by 1.5 percent

Dutch economic growth came to 1.5 percent in the third quarter of 2004 compared with the same quarter in 2003. The is the largest increase in the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in the last...


Sustained economic contraction

According to the first estimate the Dutch economy shrank by 0.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 compared to the third quarter and by 1.0 percent in the third quarter compared to the second...


How many deaths are registered per week?

On a weekly basis, mortality in the Netherlands stands at 2,900 on average. It tends to be higher in winter than in summer.


Economic growth 0.7 percent

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands, the Dutch economy grew 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter relative to the third quarter.


Dutch economy recovers further in fourth quarter 2010

Dutch economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 was 2.4 percent compared with the same period in the previous year.


Economic growth in the third quarter of 2005 higher than previously estimated

The growth rate of the Dutch economy was 1.3 percent in the third quarter of 2005.


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in September was about the same as in August. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill over the last...


Part-timers often financially vulnerable

Among employed 20 to 64-year-old men, 13 percent were living on paid incomes below the social security level. Employed women are twice as often not able to fend for themselves; they are financially...


Economy grows 2.9 percent in the first quarter of 2006

The Dutch economy saw robust growth in the first quarter of 2006. The gross domestic product (GDP) was up by 2.9 percent on the year before.


Fewer job losses

In the fourth quarter of 2004 there were 92 thousand jobs of employees less than in the fourth quarter van 2003. This brought job losses down to under 100 thousand for the first time in a year. The...


modest economic growth in eurozone

According to figures released by Eurostat on Friday, the economies in the eurozone and the EU grew by 0.2 and 0.3 percent respectively in the third quarter compared with the previous quarter....


Rate demographic ageing process doubles

The rate of the demographic ageing process in the Netherlands will double in the years to come. In the period 2011-2015, the over-65 population will grow by half a million versus a quarter of a...


female labour participation stabilising following years of increase

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, participation of Dutch women on the labour market rose substantially in the period 1998-2013. At the end of 2013, however, it fell...


Economic growth slowing down

According to a first estimate released by Statistics Netherlands, economic growth was 2.8 percent in the second quarter of 2008 relative to the same period last year.


Unemployment further down in September

Unemployment has fallen for the fifth consecutive month in September.


Third quarter economic growth: 1.4 percent

The Dutch economy saw a growth of 1.4 percent in the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2003. This is the highest growth rate in three years. Employment decreased a little less in...


Economy up 0.9 percent in third quarter

The Dutch economy grew by 0.9 percent in the third quarter of 2005. The gross domestic product (GDP) was 0.9 percent higher than one year previously.


Dutch economy rallies slightly in third quarter 2009

The Dutch economy shrank by 3.7 percent in the third quarter of 2009 compared with the same quarter last year. This decrease is considerably smaller than the decrease in the first half of the year....


Dutch economy shrinks by 0.6 percent in fourth quarter of 2008

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared with the same quarter in the previous year.


Labour force; 1800-2013 (12-hours threshold)

Labour force, gross and net labour participation, unemployment by sex, age, education and origin


Guest in overnight accommodations; by country of residence '98-'11

Guest in overnight accommodations; by country of residence and region, province and tourist region
