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2220 results for agricultural areas
2220 results for agricultural areas

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Measuring online platforms

Measuring online platforms: definitions, actors and statistical challenges


Defining types of innovation by means of text analysis

How can we get a good idea of the different types of innovation in companies in the Netherlands?


Climate change is firmly on the agenda in Zwolle

What existing data can be used to adapt to climate change, and what new data in this field does the region of Zwolle need most?


What is the living situation of the elderly in the Netherlands?

As the elderly are more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, they currently tend to be (even) more isolated than others. In addition, home care is under pressure nowadays, which means the elderly need...


Statistical Yearbook, 2012

The Statistical yearbook is a source of many figures on nearly all aspects of Dutch society.



How prepared is the Netherlands to cope immediately with an extreme shock? Will people still be able to earn their livelihood, and how will the most vulnerable groups cope? Are Dutch nature, social...



De export van landbouwgoederen in 2019 wordt geraamd op 94,5 miljard euro. Dit is 4,6 procent meer dan in 2018 en de hoogste exportwaarde ooit. CBS-onderzoeker Marjolijn Jaarsma vertelt er meer over...


Asparagus cultivation 66 percent up in north of Limburg since 2000

The area used for growing asparagus has risen by 1,230 hectares (nearly 60 percent) since 2000 to more than 3,300 ha in 2014. Statistics Netherlands announced today that asparagus cultivation spread...


Groundwater extraction by businesses

Between 2000 and 2014, 5 percent less fresh (and brackish) groundwater was extracted.


CBS Rural Data Centre / Kempen region

On 12 December 2017, five rural municipalities in the province of Noord-Brabant (Bergeijk, Bladel, Eersel, Oirschot and Reusel-De Mierden) achieved a first by joining forces with CBS in the...


First Rural Data Centre launched

For the local community, this means more policy customisation and an improved public service


Food for thought: dietary and health trends in the Netherlands

These are just some findings in the book Food for thought: dietary and health trends in the Netherlands, published today.


The Netherlands ranks among the EU top in digital skills

The Netherlands is one of the countries in Europe with the largest share of inhabitants who are proficient in using the internet, computers and software (digital skills).


Less rapid consumer price increase in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.4 percent higher in March than in the same month last year.


Models for estimation at various aggregation levels

Discussion Paper about small area estimation for detailed unemployment figures.


Growth in exports to the United Kingdom lagging behind

In 2019, Dutch goods exports to the United Kingdom represented a value of 40 billion euros, 0.5 percent less than in 2018.


Economic growth Eindhoven above average

Economic developments in Eindhoven over 2016.


One in forty people in the Netherlands exposed to too high levels of fine particles

In 2006, one in forty people in the Netherlands lived in areas where the concentration of fine particles in the air was too high. High concentrations of fine particles can damage people’s health.


Phosphate output from livestock manure down again

Phosphate production in livestock manure declined further in 2018
