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1040 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22

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Number of Dutchmen living with Thai or Russian women doubled over past decade

On 1 January last year, 265 thousand couples living in the Netherlands consisted of a partner born in the Netherlands and a foreign partner. Their number has grown by 22 thousand over the past...


Labour Accounts; employment, economic activity, sex; 1969-2012

Employed persons, jobs, full-time equivalents (fte), hours worked, economic activity, sex, employees and self-employed persons


Nine percent recycled materials in the economy

Around 9 percent of all materials entering the Dutch economy are recycled.


Credit crisis has limited effects in 2007

Dutch financial institutions suffered only limited effects of the international credit crisis in 2007. The value of their financial assets diminished by only 32 billion euro as a result of lower...


Population growth rate remains low

In the first quarter of 2005 the population of the Netherlands grew by nearly 5 thousand. The population growth remains very moderate due to the low birth rate and the high mortality rate.


Economic situation improves further

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved further in November.


Stable share of female farmers

The share of women in agriculture fluctuates around one-third of the total number of persons employed in that sector.


8 in 10 working millionaires are self-employed

Eighty percent of working millionaire breadwinners are self-employed.


Dutch house prices continue to rise

Prices of own homes, excluding new construction, were on average 1.7 percent higher in September 2014 than in September 2013. This is the same increase as in August, and the sixth consecutive monthly...


Unemployment down, but fewer people employed

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), unemployment fell by 7 thousand in March. The decline was largely due to the fact that many people withdrew from the...


Fewer dwellings completed and building permits granted

In 2008, the number of finished dwellings dropped by 2 percent to nearly 79 thousand.


Decline in exports to the United Kingdom

Goods exports to the United Kingdom declined by 2 percent in the first half of 2017.


Most Dutch people in favour of receiving refugees

In 2017, 77 percent of Dutch adults felt that the Netherlands should admit war refugees.


Half of low-skilled men aged 25-44 are smokers

How many people are smokers, ex-smokers or never-smokers, according to age, sex and education level. The highest incidence of smoking is among low-skilled men between the ages of 25 and 44.


4 in 10 adults describe their stepfather as father

Nearly 1 in 5 adults born 1971-1991 did not live with both parents during childhood.Three-quarters went through parental divorce. Over 4 in 10 describe their stepfather as their father, 2 in 10 are...


Social media on the rise among seniors

Seniors are increasingly active on social media


Slight increase in job numbers

In the third quarter of 2005 the number of jobs was slightly higher than in the second quarter. The seasonally corrected figures show an increase of 7 thousand jobs of employees.


Fewer concerns over job retention among employees

Employees are increasingly less concerned about retaining their jobs; 24% in 2016 and as much as 34% in 2013.


Industry; production, sales, orders, SIC 2008, 2000-2012

Production, sales and orders Industry; manufacturing, mining and quarrying and public utilities


Staffing deficits impact private sector

At the beginning of Q3, more and more enterprises are suffering from a shortage of staff.


Unemployment further down

Unemployment further down
