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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 36 of 145

More electricity generated to meet higher foreign demand

After a 3-year period of decline, the production of electrical energy grew by 2 percent last year to 103 billion kWh. The increase is predominantly due to a higher foreign demand.


Half of the Surinamese Dutch population is second generation

Nearly half of all Dutch people of Surinamese origin were also born in the Netherlands. These are primarily the children of Surinamese people who migrated to the Netherlands in the 1970s.


Electricity generation from fossil fuels invariably high

In the period 1998–2008, total electricity generation in the Netherlands increased by 14 percent.


Integration a step forward with the second generation

The second generation, born in the Netherlands, is starting to become the face of the population with a non-western background in Dutch society


Person with a first-generation migration background

Person born abroad with at least one parent who was born abroad.


Background characteristics account for lower wages second generation

Hourly wages of people with a non-western background working in the private sector tend to be lower than the wages of their native Dutch counterparts. Wage differences are smaller in the first than...


More renewable electricity generated

Last year, 12.2 billion kWh of renewable electricity was generated, i.e. more than 10 percent of total electricity consumption in the Netherlands and just above the production level in 2011.


Significant increase generation of electricity in horticulture under glass

In the first three quarters of 2008, decentralised generation of electricity increased by 14 percent relative to the same period one year previously.


More and more renewable electricity generated by wind turbines

Generation of electricity by wind turbines grew by nearly 20 percent last year. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS) over half of total renewable electricity in 2015 was generated by wind...


Infant mortality highest among first-generation non-westerners

In the period 2004-2005, perinatal mortality in children of people with a non-western background belonging to the first generation had grown by more than half compared to children of native Dutch...


Tjin-A-Tsoi new Director General  of Statistics Netherlands

On Friday 24 January 2014 the Cabinet has adopted the proposal by the Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr Kamp, and the Central Commission for Statistics to appoint Dr. T.B.P.M. (Tjark) Tjin-A-Tsoi as...
