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9367 results for statistical research

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Unemployment up

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 15 thousand in December 2013 to reach 668 thousand, i.e. 8.5 percent of the...


Central government surplus 3.0 billion euro

For the first time in six years, the difference between government revenue and expenditure was positive in 2006.


Immigration increasing again

Over 22 thousand immigrants took up residence in the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2006. This is almost 2 thousand more than in the same period of 2005.


Lowest inflation rate since 1989

The inflation rate stood at 0.9 percent in October 2006, the lowest result since March 1989.


Crime down, people feel safer

20 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years and older do not feel safe at times.


Dutch society 2012: repercussions of the crisis

These and other facts are presented in De Nederlandse Samenleving 2012, Statistics Netherlands’ report on society in the Netherlands (available in Dutch only). The book gives a picture of prosperity...


Far fewer residential building permits issued

More than 37 thousand residential building permits were issued in the first six months of 2007.


Unemployment further down

Seasonally-adjusted unemployment was 401 thousand in December 2010, a reduction by 8 thousand relative to November.


International trade up in March

The value of imports and exports of goods in March 2004 was substantially higher than in March 2003. Imports reached 19.2 billion euro, up 5 percent on March 2003. Exports reached 22.1 billion euro,...


Reduced 2003 retail turnover

In 2003 Dutch retail trade turnover was 3 percent down on 2002. The non-food sector was accountable for the drop in sales. Roughly 60 percent of the total retail turnover is realised in the non-food...


Unemployment further up

According to the most recent figures unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation stood at 495 thousand in June 2012, an increase by 6 thousand relative to the previous month.


Positive fourth quarter for retail trade

In the fourth quarter of 2005, retail turnover was 3.0 percent higher than in the last quarter of 2004. The non-food sector in particular performed well.


Poor potato and onion crops

Dutch potato farmers are expected to lift a total amount of 4.3 billion kilograms of potatoes in 2006. This is 5 percent less than in 2005 and the smallest crop since 1998.


Less income from municipal taxes due to changes in property tax

In 2006 The Dutch municipalities will receive 8.9 percent less from municipal taxes than in 2005. This is due to the abolition of property tax for the occupants of dwellings. The loss in property tax...


Government deficit 4.1 percent in 2012

In 2012 the Dutch government deficit shrank to 4.1 percent of GDP while government debt rose to 71.2 percent of GDP. The Dutch government deficit and debt have now exceeded the European norms for the...


'New' self-employed without employees want a challenge and flexible working hours

The main reason consultants, IT experts, builders and other self-employed persons without employees that offer their own labour or services give for becoming self-employed is that they wanted a...


Consumer confidence almost stable

After correction for seasonal effects, consumer confidence is -25 in April 2004, 1 point up on March. Consumers’ opinions on the economic climate and on their own financial situation have hardly...


Consumers careful with their money in 2003

Figures released today that Dutch households saved over 30 percent more in 2003 than in 2002. Moreover, the amount they borrowed in consumer credit in 2003 was hardly higher than in 2002. The total...


Value of imports increases by 20 percent

The value of international trade in goods rose sharply in the first month of 2006. Imports went up by 20 percent, exports by 15 percent, compared to January 2005. This was partly the effect of higher...


Higher industrial turnover in April

In April the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 5 percent on April 2003. Furthermore the Dutch manufacturing industry was able to hang on to the recovery in production realised in...
