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1461 results for output
1461 results for output

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producer confidence improves further

The mood among Dutch manufacturers has improved further according to Statistics Netherlands. The producer confidence indicator has risen from 4.1 in May to 4.6 in June, the highest level in more than...


Producer Prices Index; by economic activity SIC2008, 2010=100, 1981-2017

Price index number (excluding excise), by sales (domestic and foreign) According to activity nomenclature SBI 2008


Higher turnover manufacturing industry

In March 2005 turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher than one year previously. Compared to March last year turnover was 3 percent up. Higher selling prices account for the...


Producer confidence at highest level in four years

The mood among Dutch manufacturers has improved further according to Statistics Netherlands. The producer confidence indicator has risen from 3.3 in April to 4.1 in May, the highest level in more...


Economy grows by 0.2 percent

Taking into account the working-day pattern and seasonal effects, the Dutch economy grew by 0.2 percent in the third quarter of 2013 compared to the second quarter. The Dutch economy shrank by 0.4...


Private sector investments further up

The volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was 5.8 percent up in April 2014 from April 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, investments continue to grow.


Dutch economy contracts 0.6 percent

The Dutch economy contracted 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 relative to the fourth quarter of 2010. In the third quarter, the economy had still grown by 1.1 percent compared to the third...


Producer confidence substantially up

The mood among Dutch manufacturers improved substantially in October. Statistics Netherlands announced today that the producer confidence indicator rose from - 0.2 in September to 2.0 in October....


Environmental goods and services sector; activities, 1995-2010

Environmental activities and economic indicators per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Economic growth fourth quarter adjusted upward to 4.5 percent

Dutch economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2007 was 4.5 percent relative to one year previously. The second economic growth estimate is 0.1 percentage points higher than the first dating back to...


Economic situation fairly stable over the past six months

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in October was about the same as in September.


Producer confidence manufacturing industry hardly changed

Producer confidence hardly changed in November. The indicator stood at 0.3 versus 0.5 in October.


Manufacturers less pessimistic

The mood among Dutch manufacturers improved in December. Producer confidence rose from -4.8 in November to -1.3 in December. Manufacturers were notably less negative about future output. In the two...


Manufacturing prices 4 percent up

Output prices of the Dutch manufacturing industry were 4 percent higher in October 2012 than in October 2011. The increase in manufacturing prices was in the same order of magnitude as in August and...


Manufacturers less gloomy

In March 2010, the mood among Dutch manufacturers was less pessimistic than in February 2010. The producer confidence index rose from -5.0 to -3.1. This improvement was caused by the fact that...


Economy 0.7 percent in decline

According to the first, provisional estimate, the Dutch economy declined by 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 relative to the same period in 2010.


Consumption expenditure by purpose; NA, 1969-2016

Final consumption expenditure by purpose Purposes conform COICOP classification


Environmental Goods and Services Sector; NACE 1995-2010

Environmental sector to economic industry and per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.
