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1656 results for nuclear energy
1656 results for nuclear energy

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Inflation rate down on Bonaire and Saba, up on St Eustatius

Bonaire’s inflation rate over the fourth quarter of 2013 was 1.2 percent, i.e. considerably below the level recorded in the third quarter.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 6-10 October 2014 (Week 41).


Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Environmental burden by subject; costs and revenues from environmental taxes and fees; emissions to water and air


Dossier Sustainable development

Dossier Sustainable development


Core inflation – Is this term used by CBS?

Core inflation – Is this term used by CBS?


Higher bonuses for employees in 2011

The average bonus of employees has risen by 5 percent in 2011. On average, the highest bonuses were paid in the sectors mineral extraction and financial services.


Less electricity produced

Total electricity production in the Netherlands amounted to 113 billion kWh in 2011. This is 4 percent less than in the previous year. In the four preceding years, electricity production had risen...


Labour price index; index figures 2006=100, 2001-2013

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environment and Economics; Environmental Accounts; Airemissions Industries


CBS building data ecosystem with partners

CBS wants to develop a data ecosystem in order to cater to the data needs of government stakeholders even more effectively


Mining and quarrying; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) mining and quarrying


Consumer prices 2.3 percent up in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.3 percent higher in August than in the same month last year, the highest increase in almost five years.


What effect will the €190 subsidy in November and December 2022 have on the inflation rate?

What effect will the €190 subsidy in November and December 2022 have on the inflation rate?


CO2 emissions fall while economy rises

It is the third consecutive quarter in which CO2 emission levels fall while the economy is growing


Dutch inflation dips into negative territory

Dutch inflation dips into negative territory


Wind most important source of renewable electricity

For the first time, wind is the main energy source for renewable electricity. In 2014, wind turbine-generated electricity was approximately 8 percent up from 2013. At the same time, electricity...


SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. SDG 9.2 aims to strengthen businesses and make them more sustainable, and to...


Lower CO2 emissions in Q2 2018

In Q2 2018, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 3.8 percent down year-on-year. The decline was mainly the result of reduced natural gas consumption for heating.


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2017

In Q1 2017, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were higher than in Q1 2016.


Dutch environmental footprint increases slightly

The average greenhouse gas footprint of Dutch consumers rose from 15.1 tonnes CO2 equivalents per capita in 2017 to 15.8 tonnes in 2018. Between 2008 and 2016 the footprint declined. Consumption of...
