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1040 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22
1040 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22

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Substantial increase assets pension funds and insurance companies in first quarter

In the first quarter of 2004 the total assets of pension funds and insurance companies rose by 46 billion euro to 829 billion euro. On balance the value of shares rose by more than 24 billion euro,...


Unemployment increasing further

In the period September-November 2009 there were on average 400 thousand people unemployed. This constitutes 5.2 percent of the labour force.


Infant mortality highest among first-generation non-westerners

In the period 2004-2005, perinatal mortality in children of people with a non-western background belonging to the first generation had grown by more than half compared to children of native Dutch...


Strong rise in unemployment for over-45s

According to figures from Statistics Netherlands, 410 thousand people on average were unemployed in the Netherlands in the period October- December 2009. This is the equivalent of 5.3 percent of the...


Nearly 23 thousand naturalisations in 2009

Nearly 23 thousand people received the Dutch nationality through naturalisation in 2009.


Three quarters of all young people want to marry

In the first nine months of 2009 there were fewer marriages than the year before. In 2009 as a whole there will be about 72 thousand marriages, 3.5 thousand less than in 2008. This decrease has to do...


Particulate matter emissions caused by business activity

Between 2000 and 2016, emissions of particulate matter (PM10) caused by Dutch business activity fell by more than 41 percent, while GDP increased.


Marginal increase single parents on income support

After years of decline, the number of single parents dependent on income support has risen since 2008. The increase predominantly occurred among single parents with a non-western background.


Nearly 1 million people seek alternative treatments

In the period 2010-2012, an average of nearly 1 million people reported to have consulted alternative healers in the past year, i.e. nearly 6 percent in the Dutch population. Acupuncture treatments...


Hefty increase in income support benefits

The number of people in the Netherlands claiming income support rose substantially in the first quarter of 2005. The number of unemployment benefits rose slightly, and the number of disablement...


Inflation unchanged at 1.1 percent in August

Consumer price index, consumer prices were on average 1.1 percent higher in August 2004 than in August 2003. This is the same rate as in July. Cheaper potatoes, vegetables and petrol curbed inflation...


Retail turnover 4.5 percent up in July

The Dutch retail sector achieved 4.5 percent turnover growth in July.


Traffic deaths include more young and old drivers

In 2016, there were 629 traffic deaths, 8 more than in 2015.


Base shift for index series

The present index series are generally based on 2005 = 100. To keep these index series up to date, a base shift is introduced every fives years. In 2013 the base year 2005 will be replaced by base...


Randstad region and central part of the Netherlands attract many job seekers

In 2013, nearly 850 thousand people were less than one year active in their current job. Nearly a quarter of a million of these people were working outside their region of residence.


Imports and exports 10 percent up in 2004

In 2004 the value of imported and exported goods was 10 percent up on 2003. The value of imports reached 228.0 billion euro, exports 257.8 billion euro. The effect of slightly higher import and...


Sustained decline coal transhipment at Dutch seaports

Coal supply to Dutch seaports dropped by nearly 7 percent to 50 million tonnes in 2017.


Number of teenage mothers declining steadily

The number of teen mums in the Netherlands is relatively low.


Most Dutch agree on home mortgage interest deduction

Voters hardly disagree on a ban on same-sex marriages, abolition of the mortgage interest deduction and tax cuts. They do disagree on the issues of development aid and illegal immigration.


Number of Dutchmen living with Thai or Russian women doubled over past decade

On 1 January last year, 265 thousand couples living in the Netherlands consisted of a partner born in the Netherlands and a foreign partner. Their number has grown by 22 thousand over the past...
