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2390 results for health insurance
2390 results for health insurance

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Pension premiums

Premiums paid on the basis of collective contracts with pension funds or life insurance companies.


Unemployment rises to 404 thousand in June

Unemployment in the Netherlands grew by 131 thousand over the previous three months, to 404 thousand in June. This is 4.3 percent of the labour force.


Unemployment benefits; amounts per month. 1998-2009.

Benefits granted under the Unemployment Insurance Act in mln euro Amounts


Angelique Berg appointed as new Director General of CBS

Angelique Berg appointed as new Director General of CBS


General Survivors Pension Act (ANW)

Provision against the financial consequences of death. In the Dutch social security system this is a social insurance.


Social provision

Social benefits that are not insurance based as there are no premiums to be paid. The provision is financed directly from public funds.


Financially independent

Situation in which the personal income from primary income sources and social insurances is higher than the low income concept used by Statistics Netherlands for one-person households.


Social security benefits paid in cash

Income transfers by government to households on the basis of social insurance financed by specific premiums.


Export value of goods (trade)

The value of all goods, including costs insurance freight (CIF) up to the Dutch border. The goods are domestically produced or imported.


Gross annual wage

The sum of gross wages, the annual wage applicable for social insurance schemes, employee contributions to pension and early retirement schemes and employee savings schemes.


Costs of services provided by others

Costs of banking (excluding interest and exchange rate loss) + insurance premiums paid (not elswhere classified) + costs of accountants/administration/advice/ legal advice/ computer services by...


General Disablement Benefits Act (AAW)

Law rescinded on 1 July 1998 and replaced by WAZ and Wajong. It was a compulsory insurance for the entire population against the financial consequences of long-term disablement.


Industry-wide pension fund

A fund in a branch of industry collecting money to insure the pensions of employees within that branch of industry (all funds come under paragraph 1, item b of the Pensioen- en spaarfondsenwet (1952,...


Degree of occupational disability

The percentage determined by the UWV (social security agency) indicating to what extent someone is unable to earn the same as a comparable healthy person. The UVW determines the percentage on the...


Transport costs

Costs related to means of transport, including - rental costs and lease costs - repair and maintenance - costs of insurances and road tax - fuel costs.


Unemployment benefits

Benefits based on one of the following regulations : - the Unemployment insurance act (WW) - the Unemployment Provisions Act (WWV) - the State Group Regulation for unemployed Persons (RWW) - the Act...


Imputed capital transfers

Contributions by the government meant to increase the pension schemes reserves are recorded as other capital transfers of the government to pension funds. Subsequently these amounts are imputed to...


Unemployment benefits per month by sex, age and region, 1998-2015

Number of unemployment benefits (Unemployment Insurance Act) by region: parts of the country and provinces, broken down by sex and age


Social protection benefits by functions, criteria, implementation 1994-2012

Social protection benefits. Functions, criteria and execution.


6 in 10 Caribbean Dutch are overweight

Smoking behaviour, alcohol consumption, physical activity and obesity by sex and age, per municipality in the Caribbean Netherlands, 2017


Slight drop in greenhouse gas emissions

In 2018, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were 2 percent lower than one year previously. This is related to less coal being used for electricity production. The emission intensity of the...


Inflation rate up to 2.5 percent

The inflation rate in the Netherlands rose to 2.5 percent in January. In December, consumer prices were 2.4 percent higher than one year previously.


One-quarter of lowest educated obese

One-quarter of lowest educated obese
