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2017 results for alcohol consumption
2017 results for alcohol consumption

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Inflation unchanged

Dutch inflation stood at 2.5 percent in February 2012, i.e. the same rate as in January.


GDP growth rate 0.8 percent in Q2 2018

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.8 percent growth in Q2 2018.


Aspects of (un)healthy behaviour; 1989-2000

Trend figures on smoking, drinking, cervical smears and mammographies, by sex, type of insurance, age and highest level of education


Consumer price index (CPI) all households, 2000=100

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2000=100)


Data scouting in coronavirus times

Data scouting in coronavirus times


Government collects 13 cents of every euro spent by Dutch households

The average Dutch household spent 32,500 euro in 2010. Indirect taxes, for example VAT and excise duties, account for 4,320 euro, i.e. more than 13 cents of every euro spent by Dutch households.


GDP growth rate 0.5 in Q1 2018

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.5 percent growth in Q1 2018.


The impact of the corona crisis on compiling the CPI

The impact of the corona crisis on compiling the CPI


Relatively more Dutch products in EU-15 exports

Exports from the EU 15 to other countries include increasing amounts of Dutch goods and services.


Consumer prices 2.7 percent up in October

The consumer price index (CPI) was 27 percent higher in October than in the same month last year.


GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by sector 1988 - 2012

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components of economic sectors


Output and income components of GDP; activities, NA, 1969-2016

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Environmental Input-Output Analyses for the Netherlands

Environmental Input-Output Analyses of greenhouse gases in the Netherlands


Only 5.5 percent of energy comes from renewable sources

The Netherlands performs poorly when it comes to meeting the targets as agreed upon in the EU Directive Renewable Energy for 2020. In fact, only France does worse. The target set for the Netherlands...


Environmental-economic impact of tourism sector studied

The tourism industry accounts for 7 percent of net domestic energy consumption.


CO2 emissions virtually unchanged in Q3 2017

In Q3 2017, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 0.2 percent up year-on-year.


Lower CO2 emissions in Q2 2017

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands declined by 0.9 percent year-on-year.


Motor fuels for transport;delivery weight, volume, 1946-Aug 2016

Deliveries for final consumption and bunkers of motor fuels for road transport, water transport and air transport


Higher CO2 emissions in Q4 2016

In Q4 2016, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands rose by 7.3 percent year-on-year.


Regional accounts; production and generation of income by industry

Output, intermediate consumption, value added, compensation of employees, operating surplus, labour input by industry and by region


GDP growth rate 0.4 percent in Q3 2017

Gross domestic product (GDP) posted a growth rate of 0.4 percent in Q3 2017 relative to Q2


Exceptionally high GDP growth in Q2 2017

Gross domestic product (GDP) posted a growth rate of 1.5 percent in Q2 2017 relative to Q1


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2018

In Q1 2018, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 2.5 percent up year-on-year.


Well-being high in 2019, but more pressure on environment

Although well-being in the Netherlands increased in 2019, not everybody benefited from this equally. Well-being is under pressure in a number of areas: time lost through traffic congestion, less...


CO2 emissions reduced again

In the second quarter of 2016, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 0.3 percent lower.
