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9367 results for statistical research
9367 results for statistical research

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Job vacancies up slightly

The number of job vacancies in the Netherlands rose slightly in the fourth quarter of 2006. After correction for seasonal effects, there were 225 thousand vacancies at the end of December.


Marginal increase in number of vacancies

The number of vacancies increased marginally in the fourth quarter of 2004. After adjustment for seasonal effects, there were 128 thousand unfilled vacancies on 31 December 2004, that is 2 thousand...


Number of income support benefits up again

The number of people younger than 65 years in the Netherlands claiming income support rose again in the first quarter of 2010.


Broadband accepted at neck breaking speed

Over 80 percent of all households with internet had broadband by June 2006. Four years earlier this was just a quarter.


Potato crop better than anticipated

The output reduction of table and seed potatoes was restricted to 3 percent in 2006, relative to the previous year.


Quarterly turnover in retail trade lower again

In the second quarter of 2004, the Dutch retail trade saw its turnover go down by 2.7 percent compared to the same quarter of 2003. It is the fifth quarter in a row that the turnover of Dutch retail...


Growing optimism in manufacturing and commercial services

Producer confidence in the manufacturing industry has risen strongly in October, to 4.3, its highest level since January 2001.


Increase in unemployment benefits slows down, decrease in labour disablement benefits

In the first quarter of 2004 the number of unemployments benefits (WW) grew again and totalled 311 thousand at the end of March but the growth rate is slowing down. The number of benefits paid under...


growth Dutch car sales above EU average

Last year, Dutch car sales grew more rapidly than on average in the European Union. More than 13.7 million new passenger cars were sold across the EU last year, i.e. 9 percent more than in 2014. Car...


Dutch manufacturers remain optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in February. The producer confidence indicator fell from 3.2 in January to 3.1 in February....


St Eustatius has highest income level in the Caribbean Netherlands

With 26 thousand dollars, the highest median disposable income in the Caribbean Netherlands in 2013 was surveyed on St Eustatius, followed by Saba and Bonaire (both 23 thousand dollars). St Eustatius...


Spending on security slightly down in 2014

In 2014, total spending on security in the Netherlands amounted to approximately 13 billion euros. Security expenditure increased up until 2012 inclusive but showed a slight decline after that....


Dutch manufacturers optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands, the mood among Dutch manufacturers in September has improved slightly compared to August. The producer confidence indicator has risen from 3.5 in August to 3.8 in...


Nearly 12 thousand asylum requests in October

In October 2015, the number of newly registered asylum seekers and family members joining asylum seekers increased to 11.7 thousand, more than in any other previous month. The total in September was...


Economic growth 0.2 percent in second quarter of 2015

According to the second estimate of economic growth conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Dutch economy grew 0.2 percent in Q2 2015 relative to Q1 2015.


Container transport increasingly important

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that container transhipment in Dutch sea ports has risen by 9 percent in 2014.


manufacturing turnover falls for third year in a row because of low oil prices

Manufacturing turnover in the Netherlands fell slightly in 2014: by 0.5 percent. This is the third consecutive year that manufacturing turnover has decreased. One of the causes of the decrease was...


More goods carried by inland waterways in 2014 but hardly or no turnover growth

The carriage of goods by inland waterways has risen by 3 percent last year. Total turnover increased, but has as yet not reached the pre-recession level.


Lower year-on-year selling prices in manufacturing

In March 2015, selling prices of Dutch manufactured products were down 6.9 percent on March 2014. In February 2015 prices were 8.8 percent lower than twelve months before.
