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1156 results for traffic deaths
1156 results for traffic deaths

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Domestic net turnover

Total net turnover from sales to domestic buyers


Dossier Sustainable development

Dossier Sustainable development


More immigrants than emigrants

In the first six months of 2008, the population increased by nearly 30 thousand, because more people arrived in the Netherlands than left the country.


Dossier Historical series

Dossier Historical series


Purchase value not elsewhere classified

Purchase value of commodities, services etc. not elsewhere classified.


Employer-paid social insurance premiums

The part of social insurance premiums paid by employers.


Communication costs

Walkie-talkies, (mobile) phones, fax machines, Internet, e-mail, messenger services, etc.


Inst. investors; investments excluding shares in investment funds 1998-2017

Investments of institutional investors. Institutional investors; shares in Dutch investment funds.


Business cycle

The up and downturns of the economy within a five to ten year period. Usually there are the following phases.: recovery, boom, recession, and depression.


Balance of provisions

The additions to provisions minus released provisions such as run-up and reconstitution funds, maintenance reserves, guarantee provisions, etc.


Pension and early retirement premiums

Contributions paid by employers to pension and early retirement schemes, savings for retirement provisions, etc.


Initial stock of commodities

The value on the balance sheet of commodities at the start of the period under review.


CBS constantly looking for new data sources

In order to carry out its statutory task, CBS is constantly looking for new data sources


Other liabilities

This category includes costs and payments for activities like licenses, copyright, royalties, lease and rent of software, overhead costs and taxes, office supplies, etc.


Transport costs

Costs related to means of transport, including - rental costs and lease costs - repair and maintenance - costs of insurances and road tax - fuel costs.


Gross-gross weight (goods transport)

The total weight of the goods carried, all packaging, and including the tare weight of the transport unit (e.g. (air) containers, swap bodies and pallets for containing goods, as well as road goods...


New life expectancy forecast for people aged 65

What will be the remaining life expectancy of 65-year-olds in the toekomst? A new projection by CBS set remaining life expectancy at 20.63 years for 2024.


SDG 1 No poverty

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 No poverty. The aim of SDG 1 is to end extreme poverty across the world by 2030. The goal focuses on giving...


CBS Urban Data Centre/Venlo

As of April 2017, CBS and the municipality of Venlo have been working together in a CBS Urban Data Centre/Venlo.


Coronavirus crisis FAQs

What data are available at CBS on the effects of the corona virus outbreak in the Netherlands? The impact of reduced mobility on economic branches and social activities will be monitored here.


Purchased commodities

Goods acquired for the purpose of reselling them without further processing. Includes costs of single use packing material, import duties, costs of temporary storage. Excludes discounts, bonuses,...


Personnel costs

This category comprises expenses like - gross wages and salaries of employees, including social security and pension scheme contributions - payments for temporary workers and hired personnel -...


Netherlands has busiest railway network in the EU

The Dutch railway network is the busiest in the European Union.


CBS launching Center for Big Data Statistics

Statistics Netherlands is focusing more and more on the use of big data for official statistics production.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 19-23 April 2010 (Week 16).
