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3356 results for nature value
3356 results for nature value

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Prices of electricity and natural gas

Survey description Prices of electricity and natural gas


Natural gas revenues boost government coffers in 2008

With 14.8 billion euro, government revenues from natural gas reached a new record last year. Natural gas revenues grew by 5 billion euro relative to 2007.


Natural gas production increasingly relevant for GDP

In 2007, mineral extraction contributed 17 billion euro (more than 3 percent) to the GDP. In recent years, the proportion has grown.


Private sector companies have to pay higher prices for natural gas

The natural gas price for private sector companies was raised considerably over the last three years. Companies with a small to medium-sized consumption level faced the most substantial price...


Construction; value added, index 2010=100 and changes, 2005-2017

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the previous year and volume index figures, 2010=100


Nature and environment

Theme Nature and environment


Universities and vocational colleges largest consumers of natural gas

On average, universities and vocational colleges were the largest consumers of natural gas within the sector services in 2010 followed by hospitals. Per connection to the electricity grid, transport...


Source assessment for the Digital Atlas Natural Capital (Dutch only)

Report describing the possibilities of using CBS sources for the digital atlas of natural capital (DANK), an atlas providing a picture of natural capital and goods and services provided by our...


Household consumption 0.4 percent down in March

Consumers spent 0.4 percent less in March 2021 than in the same month last year.


Private accident most common cause of non-natural death

Last year, 5.4 thousand persons in the Netherlands died a non-natural death. Non-natural death includes fatal accidents, suicide, murder and manslaughter. Most victims died in accidents.


Natural person

Human being (individual) as a legal persona.


Natural increase

The number of live births minus the number of deaths within a given period.


Modest decline household spending due to higher natural gas consumption

Household spending on goods and services was 0,3 percent down in March 2013 from March 2012, a modest decline compared with the preceding months. This was predominantly due to a higher consumption of...


Economic outlook positive

In June 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become positive again.
