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1040 results for keyword%3A%22businesses%22

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Metal prices considerably higher

Prices of metals in their primary form like iron, steel or copper were nearly 20 percent higher in February 2011 from one year previously. For the twelfth consecutive month, selling prices have risen...


Dramatic downturn trade with Libya

The Arab League currently comprises 22 Arab nations. Dutch trade with member state Libya dropped most dramatically.


More over-55s on holiday

The number of holidaymakers aged 55 and older has risen from 2.8 million in 2002 to 3.5 million in 2012 as the post-war baby boomer generation is ageing. These over-55s tend to go on holiday more...


One-and-a-half -income earners disinclined to change working hours

Couples where the man works full-time and the woman part-time are the least inclined to change their working hours.


Highest incomes again found in municipalities in North Holland

In 2005, Bloemendaal was again the wealthiest Dutch municipality.


Retail turnover 3.5 percent up in May

Dutch retail sector achieved a 3.5 percent turnover growth in May relative to May 2016.


Retail turnover over 4 percent up in August

The Dutch retail sector achieved over 4 percent turnover growth in August.


10 percent of 18-24 year-olds who smoke are heavy smokers, one fifth of this age group are overweight

Nearly one in three 18-24 year-olds smoke, and one in five of this age group are overweight. At the same time, nearly 91 percent report their own health as good or very good.


Export value of goods reaches record high in 2005

With a value of 281 billion euro, Dutch exports of goods were 10 percent higher than in 2004. The import value of goods increased by 9 percent in 2005 to 249 billion euro.


Care spending 3.2 percent up

In 2011, spending on health car and welfare in the Netherlands amounted to 90.0 billion euro. This is 3.2 percent more than in 2010.


Nearly 9,000 asylum seekers under twelve in 2016

Over half of young asylum seekers in 2016 were from Syria.


Business administration and management most popular higher education disciplines

These are a few of the main conclusions of the annual education report Jaarboek onderwijs in cijfers 2012.


Nearly 1 million people seek alternative treatments

In the period 2010-2012, an average of nearly 1 million people reported to have consulted alternative healers in the past year, i.e. nearly 6 percent in the Dutch population. Acupuncture treatments...


Annually, more than 6 thousand underage children lose one or both parents

By the end of 2011, there were 34 thousand underage children who had lost one of their parents and 330 who had lost both parents. Each year, more than 6 thousand underage children are (semi-)orphaned.


Ageing population pushes up spending on state pensions

According to figures published by Statistics Netherlands today, spending on state old-age pensions has risen by nearly a quarter since 2008, to 32.7 billion euros in 2013. By the end of 2013, over...


Living space per household reduced over the past decade

Between 1996 and 2006, more than 17 thousand hectares (ha) were added to the total area designated for residential purposes. The amount of square metres (m²) of living space per household declined in...


Strong rise in unemployment for over-45s

According to figures from Statistics Netherlands, 410 thousand people on average were unemployed in the Netherlands in the period October- December 2009. This is the equivalent of 5.3 percent of the...


Three quarters of all young people want to marry

In the first nine months of 2009 there were fewer marriages than the year before. In 2009 as a whole there will be about 72 thousand marriages, 3.5 thousand less than in 2008. This decrease has to do...
