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9370 results for statistical research
9370 results for statistical research

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Cultural ecosystem services

These are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation and aesthetic experiences


Substantial exports growth

The volume of exports of goods was more than 11 percent higher in December 2010 than twelve months previously. In November exports grew by nearly 9 percent.


Unemployment continues to rise

Figures show that seasonally adjusted unemployment rose by 5 thousand in September 2012, to 519 thousand.


Sharp drop in building permits for own homes

Dutch municipalities issued building permits for 32 thousand dwellings in the first half of 2009. This is nearly 10 percent down on the same period last year.


Turnover in hotels and restaurants up again

The hotel and restaurant sector booked 1.3 percent more turnover in the second quarter of 2005 than in the same period last year.


Fewer people with disabilities working

In 2004 some 16 percent of people aged 15-64 were hampered in finding or carrying out paid jobs due to chronic complaints, illness or disabilities.


Large drop in turnover for car and motorcycle trade

Turnover in the Dutch car and motorcycle trade was almost 17 percent down in the first quarter of 2013 compared with the same period last year. Similar developments are being observed in neighbouring...


Slight increase in the number of vacancies

The third quarter of 2004 saw a slight increase in the number of vacancies. On 30 September 2004 there were 125 thousand unfilled vacancies. This is the seasonally corrected figure. Compared to the...


Retail trade lost turnover in May

Turnover in Dutch retail trade in May was down by 4.7 percent on May 2004. Prices were 1 percent lower than in May 2004 as well, while turnover volume went down by 3.8 percent.


Construction hits rock bottom

Some 60 thousand new dwellings were completed In 2003. This is 11 percent less than in 2002 and the lowest number of dwellings completed since 1953. The worst seems to be over, however, since the...


Job vacancies continue to fall

The job vacancies in the Netherlands at 113 thousand at the end of March 2010, after correction for seasonal effects.


Consumers still cautious in May

The volume of domestic consumption by households was 0.6 percent smaller in May 2004 than in May last year after correction for the composition of shopping days. Before correction the volume was 2.7...


Number of income support benefits continues to grow

According to the most recent figures 325 thousand income support benefits were granted to people under the age of 65 by the end of December last year, i.e. an increase by 9 thousand relative to one...


Unemployment rises to over 8 percent

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands rose by 30 thousand in March, to 643 thousand people.Figures published by UWV – the...


Sharp increase unemployment

According to the latest figures, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation increased by 21 thousand in January to 592 thousand.


Exports up in February

Goods exported from the Netherlands amounted to a value of 19.4 billion euro in February 2004. This is 1 percent more than in February 2003. The value of imported goods was 1 percent lower at 16.9...


Vacancies continue to rise

The number of job vacancies rose further in the first quarter of 2005. At the end of March 141 thousand vacancies were open, 13 thousand more than in the previous quarter.


Income support benefits drop below 300 thousand

The number of people younger than 65 years claiming income support fell to 297 thousand in the first quarter of 2007.


Consumption down in October

The volume of domestic consumption was 0.6 percent smaller in October 2003 than twelve months previously. According to figures the decrease was caused by lower spending on durable goods. Spending on...


Job vacancies down slightly

The number of job vacancies in the Netherlands fell slightly in the first quarter of 2007. After correction for seasonal effects, there were 212 thousand vacancies at the end of March 2007. This is...


More dwellings completed, fewer residential building permits issued

In the first half of 2008, more than 28 thousand dwellings were completed, 13 percent more than in the same period of 2007.


Producers' confidence unchanged

Producers’ confidence in the manufacturing industry is 0.5 in August. This is the same as in July. Producers’ confidence is now well above the low point in June 2003. In August producers were again...


Turnover sector hotels and restaurants up by 5 percent

In 2007, turnover of the sector hotels and restaurants was again distinctly higher than in the previous year. Turnover increased by 5 percent, just like in 2006.
