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9370 results for statistical research
9370 results for statistical research

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House Price Index; type of dwelling;existing own homes;2010=100 1995-2017

Price indices, number sold, changes and average purchase prices of existing own homes by type of dwelling.


More unemployed among people with non-western background in 2012

Last year, 128 thousand people with a non-western background and 315 thousand native Dutch people were unemployed. Unemployment has risen further in 2012.


Consumer confidence decreases slightly

The seasonally corrected figure for Dutch consumer confidence in May 2004 reached -28. This is 3 points lower than in April, but much higher than a year ago. Consumers were more negative about the...


Slight consumption increase in 2004

The volume of domestic household consumption in 2004 increased by 0.4 percent, whereas consumption volume in 2003 fell by 0.9 percent. This means that household consumption in 2004 recovered slightly...


Marginal unemployment growth

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment grew by 2 thousand in September to reach 685 thousand, i.e. 8.6 percent of the labour force.


Retail turnover down again

Turnover in the retail trade was 2.8 percent down in November 2004 on twelve months previously. Shop prices fell by 1.4 percent in this period.


Arable crops considerably smaller

The 2005 arable output was substantially smaller than in the previous year. This is almost entirely due to a smaller yield per hectare and a decrease of arable land.


Much lower inflation rate due to cheaper fuel

The Dutch inflation rate reached 1.1 percent in September 2006. In August consumer prices were 1.4 percent up on the year before.


Higher turnover and production in the manufacturing industry

In February 2006 the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 9 percent higher than in February 2005. This was mainly due to higher selling prices. Dutch industrial production increased...


Number of social security benefits still declining

In the third quarter of 2008, the number of benefits paid to under-65s dropped further to 262 thousand, i.e. more than 6 thousand down on the second quarter.


Inflation rate considerably down

The Dutch inflation rate over November stood at 2.3 percent, 0.5 percentage points down on October. For the third month running, inflation declined relative to the previous month.


Households spend less in December

The volume of domestic consumption was 2.1 percent lower in December 2003 than in the same month in 2002. This was the tenth month in a row that consumption was lower than twelve months previously....


Number of vacancies no longer increasing

According to the latest figures by Statistics Netherlands the number of unfilled vacancies did not increase any further in the second quarter of 2005. On 30 June 2005 the seasonally corrected figure...


Unemployment further up

Seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in October 2011 to 455 thousand.


Higher turnover manufacturing industry in September

In September 2004 turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 9 percent up on September last year. This was mainly due to higher selling prices. Production fell in the period August – September...


Retail turnover nearly unchanged

The volume of turnover in the retail trade was 0.1 percent larger in the third quarter of this year than in the same period last year. In the five preceding quarters retail turnover was smaller than...


Consumer confidence up again

After correction for seasonal effects, consumer confidence in the Netherlands is higher in December 2005 than in November.


Unemployment levels off

Adjusted for seasonal variation, 400 thousand persons (5.1 percent of the Dutch labour force) were registered as unemployed in February 2011. The number of unemployed remained stable in February.


Again higher turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry

In February the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher than a year before. Compared to February 2004 turnover was up by 6 percent. The turnover increase is virtually the same...


Unemployment further up

According to the most recent figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in September 2011 to 438 thousand, i.e. 5.6 percent of the labour force.


Election results Dutch Lower House, 1918-2006

Voters, turnout, total votes, invalid votes, valid votes and distribution of seats by political party in the Dutch Lower House


Registered unemployment; Dec’88/Febr’89 - April 2010/Juni 2010

Registered unemployment (not) seasonally adjusted, sex, age, duration of registration
