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3132 results for measuring economy
3132 results for measuring economy

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Working with sensors to measure health

Sensors are accurate, which is why Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is exploring various ways to implement them – e.g. as a substitute for survey questionnaires


Consumer confidence hardly changed in July

In July, confidence among Dutch consumers has hardly changed.


Household consumption nearly 9 percent up in May

Consumers spent 8.8 percent more in May 2021 than in May 2020.


Fewer bankruptcies compared to many EU countries

The number of bankruptcies in the Netherlands is at a historically low level. Since the coronavirus crisis started, this number has been declining each quarter.


International measurement of welfare in a broad sense

Smits develops Dutch measurement model further using 100 indicators and expand it into international measurement model


Tourism; contribution to the Dutch economy, key indicators 2005 - 2012

Tourism, contribution to the Dutch economy, key indicators. Employment, value added and expenditures in the tourism industry.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


Bijdrage cultuur en media economie

Wat is de bijdrage van de sectoren cultuur en media aan de Nederlandse economie? CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen vertelt er meer over.


Nine percent recycled materials in the economy

Around 9 percent of all materials entering the Dutch economy are recycled.


The IM: measuring globalisation

For ten years already, it has described the consequences and characteristics of globalisation as they apply to the Netherlands in an accessible manner


The Netherlands is the largest beer exporter in the EU

In 2020, the Netherlands was the biggest exporter of beer in the European Union.


Population growth picks up again

The population of the Netherlands grew by 31.7 thousand in the first half of 2021.


Economic contraction 0.8 percent in Q1 2021

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.8 percent in Q1 2021 relative to Q4 2020.


Number of employed further up

In the period July through September, the number of people aged 15 to 74 years in employment grew by 22 thousand per month on average, to 9.1 million in September.


Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM)

The term 'Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured' (also known as imputed bank services) refers to the remuneration for financial services that is not explicitly charged. This...


Top sector monitoring study (first measurements) (Dutch only)

Report including results, description of methodology and tables from the first measurements of the monitoring study of the Dutch ‘top‘ sectors.Commissioned by: Ministry of Economic...


Construction sector monitoring study (first measurements) (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables concerning the (Dutch) construction sector presenting results of almost 40 indicators spread across 5 themes: macro-economy, enterprises, employment, innovation and...


Rising economy, falling greenhouse gas emissions

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions fell by 13 percent


Unemployment decline sharpest among young people

In July 2021, 289 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.1 percent of the labour force.


Retail turnover almost 10 percent up in April

In April, the Dutch retail sector recorded 9.6 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Unprecedented turnover decline in accommodation and food services

Accommodation and food services is among the sectors that are worst affected by the measures against the spread of coronavirus. In Q2 2020, turnover in this sector fell by slightly more than half...


Inflation rate remains 1.9 percent in April

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.9 percent higher in April than in the same month last year.


Measuring online platforms

Measuring online platforms: definitions, actors and statistical challenges


Using smart sensors to measure Dutch people’s health

smart way in which sensors can be used to measure people’s health, lifestyle and living conditions
