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9375 results for statistical research

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Imports up in July 2005

20.2 billion euro worth of goods were imported into the Netherlands in July 2005.


Turnover hotels and restaurants sector down again

In the second quarter of 2004 turnover in the hotels and restaurants sector was 1.5 percent down on the same quarter last year. In the first quarter turnover dropped by 0.8 percent.


Retail turnover dramatically down

Retail turnover was 8.7 percent down in April 2012 from the same period one year previously. Retail prices were 2.1 percent up, but retail volume was 10.6 percent down.


Inflation rate marginally down

The inflation rate in the Netherlands was 1.5 percent in October, i.e. 0.1 percentage points down from October. Dutch inflation reached the lowest level in more than three years.


Fall in house prices unchanged

According to the house price index of existing own homes – a joint publication by Statistics Netherlands and the Land Registry Office – prices of houses sold in May 2010 were on average 2.2 percent...


Unemployment increasing further

According to the latest figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by 17 thousand in October 2012 so that 536 thousand people are now unemployed.


Number of houses delivered in 2010 substantially down

Nearly 56 thousand new homes were delivered in 2010, a decrease by more than 32 percent relative to 2009. The number of owner-occupied homes deliverd last year dropped dramatically.


Price decrease houses less substantial

According to the price index of existing owner-occupied houses prices of houses sold in March 2010 were on average 3.5 percent down on March 2009.


Unemployment down again

460 thousand people in the Netherlands were unemployed in the first quarter of 2006.


From vodka to wooden shoes

In 2001, immigration from the former Soviet republics reached a record level, when more than 6 thousand people came to the Netherlands. Since 2004, immigration is stable at approximately 3 thousand a...


Job vacancies at record level

The number of job vacancies has never been so high.


Turnover up again in hotels and restaurants

Turnover in the hotel and restaurant sector was again higher in the fourth quarter of 2005 than in the same period twelve months previously. After corrections for price rises, the volume of turnover...


Dutch manufacturers more confident

Producer confidence in manufacturing industry improved further and was at 1.3 in September, the highest score since March 2005. In August producer confidence was still in the negative range.


Dutch exports 12 percent higher in September

In September 2004 the value of the exports of goods was 12 percent higher than in September 2003, reaching 23.2 billion euro. Dutch imports were also up by 12 percent, reaching 19.7 billion euro.


Unemployment falls further

An average 307 thousand people were out of work in the Netherlands in the period August-October 2007. This is the equivalent of 4.0 percent of the labour force.


Inflation rate lower

In January, Dutch inflation was 0.8 percent, i.e. down 0.3 percentage points on December. Inflation fell for the first time in five months


Three people born in the nineteenth century still alive

Three people born in the nineteenth century are currently still alive. They belong to the exclusive yet rapidly growing group of centenarians in the Netherlands.


Municipal rates increase by over 4 percent

In 2008, proceeds from municipal taxes were 4.4 percent higher than last year. This is mainly attributable to an increase in property tax (OZB) and sewage charges.


Bank savings schemes more popular

The aggregate amount deposited in bank savings accounts by Dutch households exceeded 2.4 billion euro at the end of 2009, approximately a fourfold increase relative to twelve months ago.


Number of social security benefits up by 26 thousand in 2010

The latest figures published show that the number of social security benefits granted to people under the age of 65 has risen by 26 thousand over 2010. The number of social security benefits paid out...
