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1384 results for short holidays
1384 results for short holidays

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More turnover for the Dutch manufacturing industry in July

The turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry in July was up by 7 percent on July 2003. This was mainly due to higher selling prices. Dutch industrial production slipped somewhat but is still...


No further rise in unemployment

486 thousand people in the Netherlands were unemployed in the second quarter of 2004. This is 90 thousand more than in the second quarter of 2003. In the first quarter of 2004 the year-on-year...


Modest turnover growth retail sector

Dutch retailers achieved 1 percent more turnover in June 2012 than in June 2011. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent higher; the volume of retail sales was nearly 1 percent down from twelve months...


Retail turnover 0.6 percent lower

Figures released by Statistics Netherlands today show that Dutch retail turnover was 0.6 percent lower in April 2013 than in the same month last year. The volume of sales fell by 2.7 percent, retail...


Retail sales marginally up

Retail sales were 0.5 percent higher in May than twelve months previously. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher.


Cultural ecosystem services

These are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation and aesthetic experiences


UN hackathon produces surprising results

innovative product for the general public about the younger generation and Sustainable Development Goals


Dutch economy contracts by 0.8 percent

The Dutch economy contracted by 0.8 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011.This negative growth was realised with one working day extra. In the fourth quarter of...


More and more passengers travel through Dutch airports

Last year, more than 58 million passengers travelled through Dutch airports, versus 46 million in 2009. Due to the considerable growth in the number of passengers, airports boasted better turnover...


Dutch among top online shoppers in Europe

Around seven in ten Dutch people aged 16-75 years shopped online in 2011. This figure reflects the continuing increase in online shopping in the Netherlands, and places the Netherlands among the top...


Higher industrial turnover in August

Turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry in August was up by 8 percent on August 2003. This was mainly due to higher selling prices. Industrial production in the period July-August fell slightly...


Hotel and restaurant prices rise faster than inflation for last 10 years

Prices in the hotel and restaurant sector have risen by more than 40 percent since 1998.


Turnover accommodation and food services 2.1 percent up

Turnover in the sector accommodation and food services rose by 2.1 percent in Q1 2018 relative to the preceding quarter.


Sustained turnover growth non-food sector

The non-food sector generated a turnover growth of 1.4 percent in August 2014 relative to August 2013, despite the fact that August 2014 had one shopping-day less.


Dutch economy contracts by 1.1 percent

The Dutch economy contracted by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011.This negative growth was realised with one working day extra. In the fourth quarter of...


Inflation rate marginally down

The inflation rate in the Netherlands was 1.5 percent in October, i.e. 0.1 percentage points down from October. Dutch inflation reached the lowest level in more than three years.


More and more Dutch people shop online

Nearly 10 million people in the Netherlands regularly shop online. They are buying more and more clothes online, especially women. Most online shoppers buy only new products.
