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9378 results for statistical research

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Adequate measurement of the economy

Adequate measurement of the economy CBS studying issues around measurement of the new economy


Modest growth retail turnover

The most recent figures show that retail turnover growth was 1.6 percent in May relative to May 2011. Retail prices were 1.8 percent higher, retail volume shrank 0.2 percent.


Residential property prices down again

Prices of existing owner-occupied houses sold in October 2010 were on average 1.1 percent lower than in October 2009


Retail turnover down

Turnover in the retail sector was 3 percent down in January on the same month last year. Retail prices fell by 1 percent in this period, the volume was 2 percent smaller.


Number of income support benefits continues to rise

According to figures, the number of income support benefits paid to people under the age of 65 rose further in the first quarter of 2011.


Manufacturing products cost more

Factory gate prices of Dutch manufactured products were 0.6 percent higher in the first quarter of 2004 than in the fourth quarter of 2003. Prices of imported products hardly changed. The base of the...


Modest consumption growth in May

Households spent 1.2 percent more on goods and services in May this year than in the same month last year.


Value of international trade up

In May 2005 the value of international trade in goods outstripped that of twelve months previously. Exports were 12 percent up on May 2004, reaching 22.4 billion euro.


Retail turnover 3 percent down

Dutch retailers booked nearly 3 percent less turnover in April 2009 than in the same month last year.


Retail sales down

Retail turnover in the Netherlands was 8.1 percent down in January 2005 on the same month last year. Prices in the shops were 1.4 percent lower than twelve months previously. The volume of turnover...


Consumer confidence down

Consumers are less positive about the economy of the Netherlands in August than they were in July. After correction for seasonal effects, the confidence index fell from -23 to -28.


Manufacturers expect to invest substantially less this year

Companies in the Dutch manufacturing industry expect to invest 10 percent less in 2009 than in 2008.


Retail trade up in August

Retail turnover was 3.5 percent higher in August 2005 than in the same month last year. Prices were 1.0 percent lower than twelve months previously.


Number of job vacancies continues to grow

According to the latest figures, 135 thousand vacancies were unfilled at the end of March this year, i.e. an increase by 7 thousand relative to the preceding quarter. Nearly all sectors contributed...


Retail turnover 1 percent up in December

Retail turnover was 1 percent up in December 2011 on December 2010. The average price increase in the retail sector was 2.5 percent; retail volume shrank by 1.5 percent.


Inflation rate low

Dutch inflation stood at 0.3 percent in August 2009 and remained low. In July, the inflation rate stood at 0.2 percent


Diesel fuel consumption dramatically down

For the fourth quarter running, diesel sales slumped in the second quarter of 2009 relative to the same period one year previously. A downturn of this magnitude only occurred once in the past.


300 thousand social assistance benefits

At the end of June this year, 300 thousand social assistance benefits were paid to persons under the age of 65.
