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2950 results for water transport
2950 results for water transport

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Nitrogen in surface water

The total quantity of nitrogen compounds in surface water declined by 45 percent between 1990 and 2021, from 158 million kilograms of nitrogen (N) to 87 million kilograms.


Costs of water management continue to rise

Water tax proceeds have risen from 1,130 million euro in 1995 to 2,165 million euro in 2009. The water tax rate has risen nearly twice as fast as the inflation rate.


Emissions to water, heavy metals

Between 2000 and 2014, emissions of heavy metals to water fell by nearly 58 percent, while the economy grew by 17 percent.


SDG 14 Life below water

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below water. SDG 14 is aimed at protection and sustainable use of seas and oceans.


Water birds tend to migrate less far to the southwest

The hibernating regions for water birds shift to the north.


SDG 14 Life below water

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below water. SDG 14 is aimed at protection and sustainable use of seas and oceans.


Water tax proceeds marginally up again

In 2008, water board authorities estimate to receive more than 2 billion euro in taxes, an increase by 2.2 percent relative to one year previously.


Third country transport

International transport between places in two different countries by a transporter registered in a third country.


Municipalities, provinces and water boards anticipate deficit of 4.1 billion euros

The total anticipated deficit of municipalities, provinces and water boards for 2013 amounts to 4.1 billion euros and is far beyond the previously agreed limit.


Higher bus and taxi fares, water and computers cheaper

Last year’s inflation rate averaged 2.5 percent. Motor fuel prices increased substantially. Consumer electronics and water became much cheaper. The average price increase of food products was 2.0...


Smaller contraction of investment in June

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 5.6 percent down in June 2020 relative to the same month last year. This contraction is smaller than in the previous two months.


Hydrogen balance in relation to energy statistics

This report describes the current production and consumption of hydrogen in the Netherlands, the future possibilities for production, transport and consumption and the relation with energy statistics.


Exports down by over 11 percent in April

The total volume of goods exports shrank by 11.2 percent in April year-on-year.


Commercial air transport

All paid passenger, cargo or mail transport by air.


Student public transport pass

Public transport pass for students valid from Mondays through Fridays.


Public transport

'Transport provided according to a timetable with fixed stops and routes for use by the general public.
