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2444 results for gas consumption

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Economic outlook improving

As of May 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become less unfavourable. The economy has moved into the recovery stage.


Lower CO2 emissions in Q1 2019

IIn Q1 2019, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were down by 0.8 percent year-on-year.


Greenhouse gas emissions

Dossier on greenhouse gas emissions


Electricity supplied to data centres, 2017-2019

Electricity supplied to data centres, 2017-2019


How resilient is the Netherlands?

On 19 May 2021 CBS published the Monitor of Well-being & Sustainable Development Goals 2021, which provides a broad description of the trends in well-being in our country.


GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by activity 1969 - 2012

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components by economic activity


Economic outlook slightly deteriorated

Economic outlook slightly deteriorated The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more unfavourable in April.


The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020

The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020 is the successor to Trends in the Netherlands and the Statistical Yearbooks and Pocket Books.



CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen over de uitstoot van broeikasgassen in 2020 in Nederland. Met hoeveel procent daalde deze vorig jaar?


Hydrogen balance in relation to energy statistics

This report describes the current production and consumption of hydrogen in the Netherlands, the future possibilities for production, transport and consumption and the relation with energy statistics.


Renewable energy; final use and avoided use fossil energy,1990-2019

Renewable energy, final use and avoided fossil energy and avoided CO2 wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy, aerothermal heat and biomass


Lower CO2 emissions in third quarter of 2019

In the third quarter of 2019, CO2 emissions were 4.4 percent down year-on-year.


Actual collective consumption

The collective consumption that cannot be attributed to the benefit of individual households. Examples are Defence and Justice.


Economic contraction 0.1 percent in Q4 2020

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent in Q4 2020 relative to the previous quarter.


Environmental Input-Output Analyses for the Netherlands

Environmental Input-Output Analyses of greenhouse gases in the Netherlands


Lower CO2 emissions in Q4 2017

In Q4 2017, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 2.2 percent down year-on-year.


Economic description of the Dutch North Sea and coast

Economic description of the Dutch North Sea and coast.


Low import dependency in the larger product groups

The Netherlands is only minimally dependent on one or a few countries for product groups with an import value of at least 250 million euros.


Consumer spending up by 2.7 percent in January

Consumer spending up by 2.7 percent in January.


CO2 emissions reduced again

In the second quarter of 2016, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 0.3 percent lower.


CO2 emissions fall while economy rises

It is the third consecutive quarter in which CO2 emission levels fall while the economy is growing


Largest increase in consumer spending in six years

Dutch consumer spending was 2.8 percent up in November 2016 from November 2015; the largest increase in 6 years.


Less coal used in production of electricity

In 2016, power stations consumed less coal for the first time since 2011. Coal consumption was 10 percent down on 2015.


Economic outlook less negative

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more less unfavourable in March 2021.


Domestic mineral consumption

In the Netherlands, (non-metallic) minerals are predominantly used in the construction sector.
