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1943 results for energy savings
1943 results for energy savings

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Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 25 - 29 April 2011 (Week 17).


Uranium tax

A tax on the use of uranium 235 to generate electricity levied on a nuclear energy plant, based on the number of grams of Uranium 235 used.


Agriculture and horticulture services; employment and finance, 2009-2013

Agriculture services; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Support activities for agriculture



Energy in the form of steam and/or warm water Steam is water with a temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius. Warm water has a temperature of less than 100 degrees Celsius


Environmental protection expenditure

Total environmental expenditure as a percentage of GDP has increased slightly since 2000, indicating that relatively more financial resources have been committed to protection of the environment.


Green growth in the Netherlands 2015

In the publication Green growth in the Netherlands 2015 ,Statistics Netherlands analyses and describes the state of the “green” economy in the Netherlands, based on 36 indicators, divided...


Laatste prijswaarneming CPI

Decennia lang werden prijzen persoonlijk in winkels opgenomen om de consumentenprijsindex (CPI) te kunnen berekenen. Door voortschrijdende technische ontwikkelingen is dit niet meer nodig. Een...


One in five businesses fall victim to cybercrime

Over 20 percent of businesses had to deal with the consequences of cyber attacks in 2016.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 26-30 April 2010 (Week 17).


Mining and quarrying; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) mining and quarrying


Motorcycle and car trade; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Car trade; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, financial results Import, sale and repair of cars, trucks and motorcycles


Water supply, waste management; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Water supply, waste; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Water supply, sewerage, waste collection and treatment, remediation


Industrial waste

The non-biogenic fraction of industrial waste used for the production of energy.


Final consumption of non-energetic purposes

Final use of energy other than as a source of power or heat.


Environmental efficiency

Less pollution with similar or higher levels of economic production and growth, i.e. greater environmental efficiency in production processes, is a central theme in green growth.


Agriculture and horticulture services; finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) agricultural and horticulture services


Electricity production at record high

In 2019, electricity production reached a record level of 121 billion kWh. This is a 6-percent increase on the previous year. The consumption of electricity remained more or less stable.


Rising economy, falling greenhouse gas emissions

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions fell by 13 percent


Consumer price index (CPI)

The index reflects the price changes of a package of goods and services that are bought on average by all households in the Netherlands. Explanatory remarks: The package of goods and services...



Units with a complete administration but without legal status that behave like corporations. They supposedly have independent power of decision. These are mainly fairly large enterprises without...


Biggest contraction ever in household consumption

Consumers spent 6.7 percent less in March 2020 than one year previously. This is the sharpest contraction in domestic household consumption CBS has ever recorded.


Less rapid consumer price increase in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.4 percent higher in March than in the same month last year.


Local government to a large extent financially dependent on The Hague

The local government level is fairly comprehensive in the Netherlands. But local government, including municipalities and provinces, is  to a large extent financially dependent on The...
