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9378 results for statistical research

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Retail turnover growth

In October 2008, retail turnover grew by 5.0 percent relative to the same month last year. The prices went up by 2.6 percent, volume by 2.4 percent.


Dutch interest rate marginally down

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan averaged 2.1 percent in January 2014. In December, the interest rate was 2.2 percent.


Household consumption stalling

Dutch households remain reticent in their spending. The volume of domestic household consumption in October 2004, corrected for shopping day patterns, was down 0.1 percent on October 2003. In...


Inflation rate unchanged in August

Inflation was 3.2 percent in August.


House prices 4 percent lower than one year earlier

Prices of existing owner-occupied dwellings were on average 4.0 percent lower in October 2013 than in October 2012. The price drop is slightly less substantial than in the preceding month.


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.5 percent in November, the same rate as in October.


Retail turnover growth 2.6 percent

Retail turnover rose by 2.6 percent in 2008 relative to 2007. Higher prices almost entirely accounted for the increase. Turnover volume improved marginally.


Substantial increase in number of temp jobs

The number of hours worked in temp jobs increased by nearly 5 percent in the second quarter of 2010 compared to the first quarter.


Record number of bankruptcies in 2012

An unprecedented total of 11,235 businesses and natural persons were declared bankrupt last year, an increase by 18 percent relative to 2011.


Houses 8 percent cheaper than a year ago

Prices of existing owner-occupied dwellings were on average 8.2 percent lower in May 2013 than in May 2012. The price drop is larger than in the previous month when house prices fell by 7.6 percent.


Inflation rate further down to 2.4 percent

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, the inflation rate fell to 2.4 percent in September. The rate has not been this low during the past twelve months. In August,...


Turnover sector hotels and restaurants improves considerably

Turnover generated by the sector hotels and restaurants in the second quarter of 2011 was 6.6 percent up on the same perod last year.


Interest rate marginally down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 2.4 percent in December 2011 versus 2.5 percent in November.


Price drop residential property approximately the same

Prices of existing owner-occupied dwellings sold in February 2012 were on average 3.4 percent down on February 2011.


Inflation rate down to 1.0 percent

Dutch inflation dropped to 1.0 percent in May, i.e. 0.1 percentage points lower than in April. At the same time, the inflation rate in the eurozone has risen.


Interest rate up

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan averaged 2.2 percent in August 2013, i.e. 0.2 of a percentage point up on July.


Interest rate remains stable

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 1.7 percent in April 2013, just as in March.
