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1230 results for real estate funds

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Business confidence increases slightly

Confidence among Dutch entrepreneurs is increasing slightly in Q2 2019, after two quarters of decline. However, staff shortages are still affecting business operations at some enterprises.


Slightly more bankruptcies in April

There were 3 more bankruptcies in April 2019 than in the previous month.


Consumer prices; price index 2006 = 100, 1996 - 2015

Consumer price indices (base year 2006=100) Consumer goods


GDP growth rate 0.5 percent in Q1 2019

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.5 percent in Q1 2019 relative to the previous quarter.


Exports up by 1.5 percent in May

The total volume of goods exports grew by 1.5 percent in May year-on-year.


Fewer bankruptcies

There were 47 fewer bankruptcies in January 2019 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in trade sector.


Balance sheets of financial corporations

To describe developments in the balance sheets of financial corporations.


Operational management 2016

Budget cuts at Statistics Netherlands: state of play


Fewer bankruptcies in February

There were 32 fewer bankruptcies in February 2019 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in trade sector


SDG 10.2 Financial sustainability

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 Reduced inequalities: financial sustainability. SDG 10.2 aims to reduce inequality. The Dutch population and government incur debts and build up...


Business confidence lower in Q1

At the start of 2019, business confidence stands at 10.6, almost 3 points down on the previous quarter but still well above the long-term average.


Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009

Use of medical facilities, visits to the GP, medical specialist, dentist, physiotherapist, alternative healers, hospital admissions,


Public deficit reduced to 4.2 percent

By the end of June this year, the public deficit of the Netherlands was 4.2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), i.e. 25 billion euro on an annual basis. The current deficit is marginally...


Lowest level bankruptcies of this century

There were 33 fewer bankruptcies in September 2018 than in the previous month. This constitutes the lowest number of bankruptcies since 2001.


Dutch government deficit and debt reduced considerably

The Netherlands’ general government deficit in 2015 came out at 1.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).


State of health of the Dutch population

Health perception, height, obesity, health complaints, physical limitations, psychosocial complaints by sex, type of insurance,


Number of bankruptcies up again

There were 13 more bankruptcies in November 2018 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in the trade sector.


Monitoring major enterprises within Europe

The LCU team is currently taking part in a Eurostat project that allows sharing of the related knowledge and expertise among the statistical offices in the ESS member states.


Nearly 6 percent of adults receive long-term care on medical grounds

By the end of last year, 5.6 percent in the Dutch population aged 18 years or older received long-term AWBZ funded care on medical grounds. The proportion is considerably higher in older age...


Government deficit 5.4 percent in 2010

Last year’s government deficit stood at 5.4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), just under the 2009 level. The debt of the Dutch government increased further from 60.8 to 62.7 percent of the...


Businesses face growing shortage of staff

At the start of Q3 2018, staff shortages in the non-financial private sector had increased according to the business confidence indicator. This formed an impediment to business operations across...


Slightly more bankruptcies in July

The number of corporate bankruptcies has increased slightly in July


More bankruptcies in October

There were 40 more bankruptcies in October 2018 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in the trade sector.
