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1630 results for mortgage costs
1630 results for mortgage costs

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Incomes households and corporate profits up

The real disposable household income rose by 0.4 percent in 2014. After correction for inflation, household incomes improved for the first time since 2011. Today, the average household income is...


More than 12 billion euro left in legacies

People who died in the Netherlands in 2008 left a total of more than 12 billion euro in legacies. This is the equivalent of an average 110 thousand euro per legacy.


Pension funds; investments before and after consolidation 2008-2016

Investments before and after consolidation. Debt securities; other equity and investment fundshares.


Assets of pension funds and insurance companies unchanged in second quarter

The total value of assets of pension funds and insurance companies hardly changed in the second quarter of 2004 from the first quarter. These institutions owned assets worth a total 830 billion euro...


370 thousand workers living on incomes below the poverty line

Despite having paid jobs, 370 thousand households in the Netherlands were living below the poverty line in 2009.


CBS Urban Data Centre / The Hague

CBS and the municipality of The Hague are collaborating in a CBS Urban Data Centre / The Hague as of 26 September 2017.


Public sector accounts for sturdy growth bond market in 2008

The Euronext bond market in Amsterdam has grown considerably last year despite the global financial crisis. The total value of bonds issued on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange increased by 15 percent to...


Consumers borrow just as much as in 2006

Dutch consumers borrowed 10.4 billion euro in 2007, the same amount as in 2006.


Wealthy baby boomers

Post-war baby boomers are relatively wealthy. Households, in which the main breadwinner is aged between 50 and 65, are relatively often found in the highest income brackets and more often than people...


Consumer prices 2.6 percent up in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.6 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Government deficit 5.4 percent in 2010

Last year’s government deficit stood at 5.4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), just under the 2009 level. The debt of the Dutch government increased further from 60.8 to 62.7 percent of the...


Fewer loans, higher overdraft

The Dutch population borrowed less in the form of consumer credit in 2005 than in 2004.


Public debt exceeds 60 percent limit

In the first six months of 2009, public debt has amounted to more than 356 billion (bn) euro, an increase by nearly 10 bn euro relative to the end of 2008. The government debt-to-GDP ratio was 61.1...


Defence expenditure 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018

In 2018 defence expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP amounted to 1.2 percent. Government expenditure on defecen rose by over 0.5 billion to 9.1 billion euros.


Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Sustained increase restructured debts

Last year, 15 thousand court orders for debt repayment were pronounced, an increase by nearly 30 percent relative to 2010. The increase recorded since mid-2009 continues rapidly.


Dutch exporters facing more trade regulations

Since establishment of the WTO in 1995, import tariffs have declined around the world. Exporters nevertheless have to comply with more and more regulations.


Removal companies in the lift after crisis in the transport sector

Removal companies realised almost 6 percent more turnover in the first quarter of 2015 than in the same quarter of 2014. This meant that turnover increased for six quarters in a rowTurnover in the...


8 in 10 working millionaires are self-employed

Eighty percent of working millionaire breadwinners are self-employed.


How much will my home be worth later on?

What are the dynamics behind house price fluctuations and how high is the risk of severe depreciation for homeowners


High share profits for pension funds and insurance companies

Pension funds and insurance companies in the Netherlands realised stock market profits of nearly 8 percent in the first half of 2005.


House prices vary considerably by region

Across all regions, prices of owner-occupied dwellings were higher in Q2 2016 than in Q2 2015.
