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More renewable energy used
The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption increased from 3.8 percent in 2010 to 4.2 percent in 2011. The reason for the increase is twofold: the consumption of renewable energy...
Employment in the sustainable energy sector
The sustainable energy sector accounted for 0.73 percent of total employment in 2016.
Share renewable energy stable
The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption was 4.4% in 2012, almost the same as in 2011 (4.3%).
What information does the energy balance sheet contain?
The energy balance sheet; supply, transformation and consumption contains figures on the supply and consumption of energy in the Netherlands.
Share of renewable energy up to 4 percent
Renewable energy accounted for approximately 4 percent of total domestic energy consumption in the Netherlands last year versus 3.4 percent in 2008.
Slight rise in energy prices
An average Dutch households paid 1.5 percent more for its gas and electricity in January 2008 than in the previous month.
Share renewable energy down
The share of renewable energy in total Dutch energy consumption dropped from 4.2 percent in 2009 to 3.8 percent in 2010, partly because total energy consumption has grown and also because the use of...
Wind energy cost-ineffective without public financial support
As yet, the production of wind energy is still cost-ineffective, but public financial support compensates for the losses.
Energy; Average prices for consumers
The monthly publication of the average consumer prices for electricity and gas provides insight into the movements of average prices paid by Dutch households.
Most substantial increase energy bill in four years
Early 2009, the energy bill for households is considerably higher than one year previously. On the basis of the rates of January 2009, a household with an average gas and electricity consumption will...
Energy intensities of buildings of the services sector
Providing insight in the average gas and electricity consumption of buildings in the services sector. Energy efficiency indicators are needed to monitor energy efficiency policies.
SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 Affordable and clean energy. Energy is crucial for economy and society, but is still often generated from...
Consumption of renewable energy stable
Dutch consumption of renewable energy levelled off in 2007.
Why is Statistics Netherlands (CBS) researching a new method for measuring energy prices?
Why is Statistics Netherlands (CBS) researching a new method for measuring energy prices?
Energy consumption in industry
Providing figures on energy consumption in the Netherlands, excluding the construction sector.
Energy consumption down by 7 percent in 2011
Energy consumption in the Netherlands was nearly 7 percent lower in 2011 than in 2010. This is mainly due to the mild winter, the lower electricity production level and the reduced production level...