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3975 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes
3975 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes

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House price increase again smaller in September

In September, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 9.6 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Natural gas, electricity; supplies national grid to construction, services

Supplies natural gas and electricity, public grid Companies, SIC 2008


Number of new-build transactions halved in Q4 2022

In Q4 2022, the number of new dwelling market transactions was down by over a half relative to one year previously.


House price increase levelled off again in July

In June, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 16.6 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


House price increase moderated further in June

In June, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 16.6 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Gross fixed capital formation by type and by sector; National Accounts

Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital good on owner basis Institutional sectors


Self-employed persons; income, wealth, characteristics

income, capital, substantial interest entrepreneurs, owner-managers


New dwelling market transactions down by one third

In Q3 2022, the number of new build property transactions fell by over one-third year on year. It is the largest decline since measurement of transactions began in 2015.


Well-being here and now: housing

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Housing.


House price increase 18.8 percent in May

In May, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 18.8 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Dutch house price increase among EU top four

The house price index, which includes transaction prices of both new and existing owner-occupied dwellings, was up by 19.5 percent year on year in Q1 2022.


House price increase 19.5 percent in March

In March, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 19.5 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


House price increase 19.7 percent in April

In April, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 19.7 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Gross fixed capital formation by type and by sector; National Accounts

Gross fixed capital formation by type and by economic sector


Area under organic farming up by nearly 9 percent

In 2023, the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) under organic farming increased by 6.6 thousand hectares relative to the previous year. This is an area equivalent to over 9 thousand football...


House Prices: new and existing dwellings price index 2020=100

Price index dwellings, price index 2020=100, price devolepment Sold dwellings, average selling price


New dwellings; output price indices building costs 2021=100

Output price indices and changes compared to one year earlier V.A.T. included and V.A.T. excluded


Household consumption up by 0.2 percent in May

Households spent 0.2 percent more in May 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


House price increase over 20 percent in February

In February, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 20.2 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


House Prices: new and existing dwellings price index 2015=100

Price index dwellings, price index 2015=100, price development Sold dwellings, average selling price


Dutch house price increase among EU top five

The house price index, which uses transaction prices of both new and existing owner-occupied dwellings, was up by nearly 19 percent year on year in Q4 2021.


Children with single parent three times more likely to live in MDU

On 1 January 2021, more than a third of all minors in single-parent households were living in a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), for example an apartment, ground floor unit or upstairs unit. This share is...


Household consumption up by 0.6 percent in April

Households spent 0.6 percent more in April 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Business confidence slightly less negative once again

There has been another slight improvement in business confidence, which stood at -6.0 at the start of Q2 2024.


Newly registered residents with origin Ukraine

This collection of tables contains information on the number of people who have registered as residents in a Dutch municipality since 24 February 2022 with Ukraine as the country of origin.
