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How data determine who are the people of Europe
How data determine who are the people of Europe
Understanding 100 years of farmland biodiversity loss
Understanding 100 years of farmland biodiversity loss
The accuracy of estimators based on a binary classifier
Publications in official statistics often involve estimates by domain. It is important to account for the effect of misclassifications between domains on the accuracy of these statistics.
Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables
Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables – a cautionary tale
Big data in official statistics
The use of Big data in official statistics requires methodological innovations.
Stops and track detection in travel surveys
Travel surveys with apps focus on reduction of respondent burden.
Is undesirable answer behaviour consistent?
This paper investigates whether answer behavior that points at increased risk of measurement error is consistent across surveys, i.e. whether it is a trait of respondents.
Automatic travel mode prediction
App-assisted travel surveys use location and motion sensors to measure location and to predict means of transportation. This discussion paper describes the machine learning techniques to translate...
Employment estimates using survey and register data
This report describes macro-integration methods applied to the reconciliation process of labor force statistics from two sources.
The accuracy of growth rates with classification errors
Evaluating the accuracy of growth rates in the presence of classification errors.
Complexity and simplification of networks
Quantification of the complexity of networks and methods to simplify networks by focusing on their essence.
New data sources and inference methods for statistics
Methodological issues with non-probability data for official statistics.
Analysing response differences in VAT
Analysing response differences between sample survey and VAT turnover
Correcting for linkage errors in the multiple capture
Correcting for linkage errors in the multiple - recapture method for population size estimation.
Piet Daas endowed professor of Big Data at TU/e
Creating big data statistics is very different from creating statistics based on surveys
Protecting Tables by Means of Cell Suppression
National Statistical Institutes protect tabular data against disclosure of sensitive information before they are released. A well-known method is cell suppression. In this paper we propose a new...
The SPAR index and some alternative house price indices
This paper discusses various ways to compute house price indices and compares them to the
Bootstrapping the SPAR index
This paper discusses a bootstrap method to estimate the variance of price indices of houses.
Models and statistical methods in rtrim
This report describes, in some detail, the statistical methods and models implemented in the r-package rtrim.
Variances of Census Tables after Mass Imputation
We consider variance estimation for the Dutch virtual Census, when mass imputation is used for educational attainment.
New methods and sources for Big Data research
The objective of the seminar was to bring together researchers from statistical offices and academic scientists in order to exchange knowledge and present the latest methods and techniques in the...
Data scientists inspired by innovative CBS research
the ultimate challenge for data scientists is to develop methods that ‘translate’ huge amounts of data into high-quality statistics
Quality management of methodology
Methodological departments of national statistical institutes should adopt formal quality certification for ISO 9001
Transitivity of Price Indices
Connecting correction methods for linkage error in capture-recapture
Connecting correction methods for linkage error in CRC
Connecting correction methods for linkage error in capture-recapture.