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136 results for keyword:population
136 results for keyword:population

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Quasi stochastic population forecasts

Population forecast intervals obtained from 6 variants using a new technique are compared to stochastic forecasting.


More first-time mothers beyond the age of 35

The share of women aged 35 and older who give birth has increased further since 2000.


Trends in the Netherlands 2016

Trends in the Netherlands provides figures over 2015 on topics such as population


Population growth fuelled by immigration

On the basis of provisional population data over 2015, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the Dutch population increased by 79 thousand to 16.9 million residents. Last year’s population growth...


More women employed

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the number of working women has risen more rapidly over the past decade than the number of working men. In the second quarter of 2015, the employed labour...


More elderly died in winter period

During the last winter period, mortality was higher than in the winter of 2013/’14. Mortality among over-80s was distinctly higher, also in comparison to previous winters.


18.1 million inhabitants in 2060

According to the population forecast published today, the Dutch population will continue to grow in the coming decades, to 18.1 million inhabitants in 2060.


Papiamento most-spoken language on Bonaire, English on Saba and St Eustatius

Most people on Bonaire speak Papiamento. On St Eustatius and Saba most people have English as first language. Only a small number of people have Dutch as a first language.


Statistics Netherlands opts for international definitions of unemployment and inflation

Statistics Netherlands will use the definition of the International Labour Organisation as its main indicator of unemployment as of 2015 and the international Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices...


Inhabitants of the Caribbean Netherlands usually feel safe

In 2013, more than 25 per cent of the population in the Caribbean Netherlands felt sometimes unsafe. Half of the population is of the opinion that there is no crime and 40 per cent that there is...


Birth rate back to level early 1980s

The birth rate has declined further to 172 thousand between June 2012 and May 2013, i.e. a decrease by 6.4 thousand relative to the same period one year previously.


Dutch use water more efficiently

Although the population and the economy are growing, the use of tap water remains stable. Measures taken to enhance efficiency have reduced the annual tap water use per capita by an average 0.7...


One in six go to church or mosque on a regular basis

More than half of the Dutch population aged 18 years and older state they are members of a denomination or ideological group. In the period 2010-2011, one in six regularly attended religious services...


Recently passed AOW act will reduce the number of AOW recipients by half a million in 2025

The projected number of over-65s will exceed 3.8 million in 2025. If no action is taken, the number of people entitled to the state old age pension (AOW) in the Netherlands would grow by 1.1 million...


Singles most often rely on special income support

Last year, 250 thousand people relied on special income support, i.e. approximately 2 percent of the adult population in the Netherlands. Four in ten households receiving special income support are...


More people moved house in latter half of 2011

Nearly 1.5 million people moved house in 2011, almost as many as in 2010. The number of people who moved house in the last six months of 2011 grew marginally relative to the same period in 2010.


Share of older nursing professionals rising sharply

There has been a sharp rise in the nursing professionals over 50 working in health care.


Transsexuals in the Netherlands (Summary in English)

This paper presents information about the number and characteristics of transsexuals in the Netherlands. Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.


Left with unknown destination (Dutch only)

This paper describes the demographic, social and economic characteristics of persons registered in the municipal population registers as 'left with unknown destination'. Commissioned by the Ministry...


65 thousand persons labelled as missing on an annual basis

Dutch municipal authorities report 65 thousand persons as missing on an annual basis.


Low river water level favourable for inland shipping

Turnover generated by inland shipping was nearly 20 percent higher in the second quarter of 2011than in the same period last year. This is partly due to the low water level.


Population The Hague to surpass the 500 thousand mark in September

The population of The Hague is anticipated to surpass the 500 thousand mark in September this year, having grown by nearly 60 thousand since the turn of the century. The proportion of young residents...


Emigration grows faster than immigration

In the first six months of 2011, more than 58 thousand people left the Netherlands, i.e. nearly 5 thousand more than in the same period last year.


Purchasing power 0.5 percent down in 2010

The purchasing power of the Dutch population dropped by 0.5 percent in 2010, the most substantial decline since 1985 when Statistics Netherlands started surveying changes in the perceived purchasing...


Population growth rate major cities above average

The population in Dutch cities has grown notably in recent years. The population growth rate is particularly high in the three major cities in the Netherlands.
