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Integration Agreements and Firm Internationalization
Economic Integration Agreements (EIAs) can be powerful instruments for countries to stimulate the international activity of their firms.
Intermittent exporting: unusual business or business as usual?
We construct an empirically supported definition of intermittent and perennial exporting and investigate to what extent intermittent exporters are distinguishable from non-exporters and perennial...
Higher trade deficits on Bonaire and Saba in 2019
In 2019, Bonaire saw the highest increase in trade deficit among the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.
Growth in exports to the United Kingdom lagging behind
In 2019, Dutch goods exports to the United Kingdom represented a value of 40 billion euros, 0.5 percent less than in 2018.
Agricultural exports hit record level
Agricultural exports amounted to an estimated 94.5 billion euros in 2019. This is 4.6 percent more than in 2018 and the highest level on record.
Goods imports from China worth over 39 billion euros
In 2018, the Netherlands imported 39.2 billion euros in goods from China. Two-thirds were re-exported.
Quality of Dutch exports in global top 5
The Netherlands is in fourth position in the global IMF ranking of export quality.
France most affected by US import tariffs
The recent US import tariffs on competing goods exported by EU countries are affecting France most severely. Goods include aircraft and wines, at an export value of 2.7 bn euros in 2018.
EU’s share in Dutch exports has fallen slightly
Nearly 71 percent of Dutch goods exports in 2018 went to other countries within the EU, although the EU's share has declined slightly relative to 2010.
Import behavior and export performance of firms
We investigate to what extent the export performance of Dutch exporters is tied to their import behavior. In doing so, we particularly focus on the network dimension of trading.
Trade deficit with the US narrower in 2018
In 2018, Dutch companies exported goods to the United States to a total of 23.7 billion euros, i.e. 20 percent up on the previous year.
Less recyclable plastic waste sent to China
Last year, China’s share in Dutch exports of recyclable plastic waste was 2.7 percent. In 2010, still nearly half of all plastic waste generated by businesses and households had China as a foreign...
Dutch domestic exports to the UK recording decline
In 2018, the total value of Dutch-manufactured goods exported to the United Kingdom dropped by 170 million euros to 20.2 billion euros, representing a year-on-year decrease of 1 percent.
Half of imports from the UK not for domestic use
In 2018, the Netherlands imported 26.4 billion euros worth of goods from the United Kingdom. This amount was only higher in 2012 and 2013.
Agricultural export value over 90 bn euros in 2018
Agricultural exports in 2018 were worth an estimated 90.3 billion euros, i.e. 0.2 percent up on 2017. While exports rose, prices dropped relative to 2017.
Trade deficit with US due to re-exports
In 2016, the Netherlands’ goods trade deficit with the US hit 12 billion euros, i.e. Dutch imports of goods exceeded exports. The trade deficit can be attributed almost entirely to large re-export...
Fact sheet International trade, January - August 2018
Key figures on goods trade in the period January – August 2018
Less industrial waste exported to China
In the first eight months of 2018, exports of industrial products to China amounted to nearly 4.8 billion euros, representing a year-on-year decrease of 860 million euros.
Record number of T-shirts entering the Netherlands
During the first eight months of 2018, the Netherlands imported 213 million T-shirts, singlets and other vests of cotton. This is the largest quantity ever recorded and approximately 2.5 times more...
International trade; imports and exports, SITC 3, country, 1996-2017
Import and export value of goods; according to SITC classification (3 digit) and country (groups).
The position of the Netherlands
This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor covers the Dutch position in the world with respect to its degree of economic globalisation.
UK has smaller share in Dutch domestic exports
The share of Dutch domestic exports going to the UK has diminished since 2017.
Investing abroad and trade relationships
Over half of enterprises outside the service sector with stakes in a foreign business in 2014 also maintained a trade relationship with the country where that business is located.
1/5 of manufacturing exports are carry-along trade
One-fifth of all exports by Dutch manufacturers consist of products that are not self-manufactured, but supplied along with their own products, a phenomenon referred to as carry-along trade.
Internationalisation Monitor 2018, second quarter
In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor, we focus on the relationship between internationalisation and employment.