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119 results for keyword:incomes
119 results for keyword:incomes

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Income of households in Hattem, Heerde and Epe, 2009 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables regarding the income of households by district, neighbourhood and type of residence. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Housing cooperative Triada


Income dynamics in Amsterdam municipality and the Amsterdam metropolitan region (Dutch only)

A paper and additional customised tables on the removals of households living in Amsterdam or the Amsterdam metropolitan region, by income. The tables cover the period 2001-2008. Commissioned by:...


Concurrence of care and income 2009 (Dutch only).

Figures on the size of the group of individuals with multiple services at the same time in the domains of care and income in 2009. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW).


Incomes of graduates (Dutch only)

Data on incomes of graduates from secondary vocational education (mbo), higher vocational education (hbo) and university over the period 2007-2009. Commisioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education,...


Statistical Yearbook, 2011

The Statistical yearbook is a source of many figures on nearly all aspects of Dutch society.


Amsterdam has highest proportion of long-term low incomes

Households who have been living on low incomes for four years or more are mainly found in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Four in ten municipalities with the greatest risk of long-term poverty...


On average, higher educated earn twice as much as lower educated

The average, annual gross income of employed people exceeded 36 thousand euro in 2009. Higher educated earned nearly twice as much as lower educated.


370 thousand workers living on incomes below the poverty line

Despite having paid jobs, 370 thousand households in the Netherlands were living below the poverty line in 2009.


Nearly 20 percent of gross household income paid in taxes and national insurance contributions

In 2008, Dutch households paid 19.2 percent of their gross income in income tax and national insurance contributions. A provisional estimate for 2009 shows a marginal increase to 19.5 percent.


More GP house calls for elderly with a low income

Some nine out of ten people aged over 75 in the Netherlands consulted their general practitioner at least once in 2008.


Sharp increase in public expenditure continues

In the first half of 2010, public expenditure has risen by more than 7 billion euro relative to one year previously. Public revenue rose less rapidly by more than 3 billion euro.


Lower incomes less active in their leisure time

People in the lower income brackets are less active in their leisure time than people in higher income categories.


Wealthiest households in Rozendaal

Rozendaal can claim to be the most prosperous municipality in the Netherlands. Not only does this municipality in the province Gelderland have the largest percentage of households with a high income,...


130 thousand households with an income of more than 100 thousand euro

The Dutch households, over 7 million, had an average of 33 500 euro to spend in 2008. Almost 130 thousand households had a net disposable income of 100 thousand or more.


Public debt exceeds 60 percent limit

In the first six months of 2009, public debt has amounted to more than 356 billion (bn) euro, an increase by nearly 10 bn euro relative to the end of 2008. The government debt-to-GDP ratio was 61.1...


Re-integration activities increasingly important in sheltered employment

In 2007, the turnover generated in sheltered workshops totalled 1.3 billion euro. The bulk was realised in the sector maintenance of parks and public gardens.


No further increase in medical aids

A majority in the older population used medical aids in 2008. The proportion using aids increased over the period 2001–2005. Despite the fact that the Dutch population is ageing, the proportion did...


Housing and energy costs weigh heavy on lowest incomes

Housing costs constitute the most significant part of the average household budget. Proportionally, the lowest income brackets spend most on housing.


Proceeds property transfer tax substantially down

In the first quarter of 2009, proceeds from the property transfer tax dropped by 0.7 billion euro, a decline by 30 percent relative to the fourth quarter of 2008. Proceeds have declined for more than...


Dutch women among the most emancipated in Europe

Inequality between men and women in the Netherlands is relatively small compared to the other countries of the EU 27. The Netherlands has a relatively high score on the Gender Empowerment...


Gender income gap has not narrowed in recent years

Female incomes are considerably lower than male incomes. On average, women received 56 percent of what men earned in 2007, the same as in 2003.


Households lose capital, but gain income in 2008

As a result of the global finacial crisis, the value of shares and bonds owned by Dutch households has decreased by 66 billion euro last year. One quarter of the value of shares and one tenth of the...


Households donate less to charitable organisations

Over the past 15 years, average annual household spending on charity varied considerably.


Income responds slowly to economic downturn

The economic downswing will not necessarily have an immediate effect on household income in the Netherlands. Employment is still growing, and collectively negotiated wage increases are larger for...
