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91 results for keyword:government
91 results for keyword:government

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National accounts of the Netherlands 2009

The National accounts represent the official statistical review of the Dutch economy.


Investment ratio exceptionally low

In 2009, the value of fixed capital formation in the Netherlands was 19 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). The investment ratio was exceptionally low.


Job vacancies continue to fall

The job vacancies in the Netherlands at 113 thousand at the end of March 2010, after correction for seasonal effects.


Further decrease in job vacancies

After adjustment for seasonal effects, 113 thousand jobs were vacant at the end of March 2010 in the Netherlands, 11 thousand fewer than at the end of December.


Nearly 240 billion euro worth of government bonds issued in 2009

The Dutch government issued bonds and short-term loans worth nearly 240 billion euro on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, about three quarters of newly issued bonds last year. The government requires...


More state-owned shares, more dividend

The financial crisis forced the Dutch government to intervene in the affairs of a number banks and insurance companies at the end of 2008. Among other things, this intervention resulted in a...


Public debt exceeds 60 percent limit

In the first six months of 2009, public debt has amounted to more than 356 billion (bn) euro, an increase by nearly 10 bn euro relative to the end of 2008. The government debt-to-GDP ratio was 61.1...


Dutch government spending lower than EU average

The Dutch government spent 270.3 billion euro in 2008. This is the equivalent of 45.5 percent of the Dutch gross domestic product (GDP).


Revenues from government taxes increase only 2 percent in 2008

In 2008, revenues from government taxes were just short of 136 billion euro, a 2 percent increase relative to 2007. Last year’s growth evidently slowed down relative to the period 2005-2007, when the...


Drastic increase government debt

The overall government debt has risen dramatically in 2008 by 87.4 billion euro. By the end of last year, goverment debt amounted to 346.2 billion euro, i.e. 58.2 percent of the gross domestic...


Number of vacancies plummets

There was a dramatic reduction in the amount of unfilled vacancies by 54 thousand in the fourth quarter of 2008 relative to the third quarter.


Public sector accounts for sturdy growth bond market in 2008

The Euronext bond market in Amsterdam has grown considerably last year despite the global financial crisis. The total value of bonds issued on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange increased by 15 percent to...


Local government to a large extent financially dependent on The Hague

The local government level is fairly comprehensive in the Netherlands. But local government, including municipalities and provinces, is  to a large extent financially dependent on The...


Cutback in government spending on media

In 2006, public spending on media amounted to 897 million euro; adjusted for price changes that is 22 percent down on 1999.


Higher profits from oil and gas extraction help to fill government coffers

In 2006, revenues from oil and natural gas extraction were the highest since 1990.


National debt markedly down

The national debt amounted to nearly 254 billion euro by the end of last year, 2 billion euro down on the end of 2006.


Dramatic increase in amount of pesticides used by municipalities

Public authorities used nearly 54 thousand kilos of chemical pesticides in 2005 for the maintenance of public areas, an increase by 12 thousand kg (28 percent) relative to 2001.


Collectively negotiated wages increase 2 percent in 2007

The increase in collectively negotiated wages (CAO) was 2.0 percent in 2007. The wage increase is the same as in 2006, although there is a difference.


More than 50 farmers quit every week

The number of agricultural holdings in the Netherlands has fallen dramatically over the past fifteen years from 120.1 thousand to 76.7 thousand, a declining rate of 55 a week. In the period...


Central government surplus 3.0 billion euro

For the first time in six years, the difference between government revenue and expenditure was positive in 2006.
