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231 results for keyword:energy
231 results for keyword:energy

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Manufacturing output down slightly

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry dropped by 0.6 percent in August 2012 compared to August 2011. Output had also decreased in the two preceding months.


Manufacturing output remains stable

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry in July 2012 was the same as in July 2011. In June, manufacturing output was still 2 percent down from one year previously.


Manufacturers slightly less pessimistic

The mood among Dutch manufacturers improved somewhat in August. The producer confidence indicator stood at -4.6 versus -5.2 in July.


Large-scale users pay least for energy

Dutch households had to pay 6 percent more for electricity in the first quarter of 2012, while for large-scale business users prices fell in the same period. The price of natural gas has risen by...


Fewer job vacancies

Figures released by Statistics Netherlands today show that after correction for seasonal effects, there were 109 thousand unfilled job vacancies at the end of June.


Manufacturing output in decline

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry in June 2012 was down by more than 2 percent on June 2011. Production levels in May were virtually the same as in May 2011.


More pessimism among Dutch manufacturers

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated somewhat in July. The producer confidence indicator stood at -5.2 versus -4.8 in June.


Higher stocks in manufacturing industry

In May 2012, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were nearly 3 percent up from twelve months previously. The increase in May was more substantial than in April (1.5 percent). The stocks of...


Turnover manufacturing industry down

Dutch manufacturers faced a nearly 4 percent turnover loss in May 2012 relative to May 2011.


Manufacturing output marginally down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry in May 2012 was 0.5 percent down from May 2011. The modest decrease was preceded by a small increase in April.


Producer confidence hardly changed

The mood among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in June. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 4.8, compared to – 5.0 in May.


Modest growth in manufacturing stocks

In April 2012, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 1 percent up on April 2011.The increase was much smaller than in February and March (6 percent).


Manufacturing turnover marginally higher

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 1 percent in April 2012 relative to April 2011. In February and March, turnover also grew by 1 percent.


Mood among manufacturers further down

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated further in May. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 5.0 versus – 3.3 in April.


Growth manufacturing stocks slows down

Manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 5 percent up in March 2012 on March 2011. In February, stocks grew by 6 percent. Stocks of finished products have been continuously above the level of...


Manufacturing turnover slightly higher

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of nearly 1 percent in March 2012 compared to March 2011. This growth was slightly lower than in February, when manufacturing turnover was just over 1...


Manufacturing output marginally up

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by nearly 1 percent in March 2012 from March 2011. In February, output was nearly 3 percent down on one year previously.


More renewable energy used

The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption increased from 3.8 percent in 2010 to 4.2 percent in 2011. The reason for the increase is twofold: the consumption of renewable energy...


Growth manufacturing stocks slightly up

Manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 5 percent up in February on February 2011.


Manufacturers more pessimistic

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated further in April.


Output manufacturing industry down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was down by over 3 percent in February 2012 from February 2011.


Manufacturers more pessimistic

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in March. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 2.6 versus – 1.5 in February.


Growth manufacturing stocks slows down

Manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were nearly 5 percent up in January 2012 on January 2011. In December 2011, stocks grew by more than 8 percent. Stocks of finished products...


Output manufacturing industry down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was down by nearly 2 percent in January 2012 from January 2011.


Energy prices 9 percent up

The average Dutch household spent 156 euro on gas and electricity in January 2012, i.e. 13 euro more than one year previously.
