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Number of houses delivered in 2010 substantially down
Nearly 56 thousand new homes were delivered in 2010, a decrease by more than 32 percent relative to 2009. The number of owner-occupied homes deliverd last year dropped dramatically.
House prices drop further
Prices of existing owner-occupied houses were on average 1.5 percent lower in February 2011 than in February 2010. According to the price index of existing residential property – a joint publication...
Custom-made tables Value of wealth, 2010 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables on households by possession of own home, age of the main income earner and wealth (excluding) the value of the own home. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Economic...
Decline in house price slightly less substantial
Prices of existing owner-occupied houses sold in December 2010 were on average 0.8 percent lower than in December 2009.
Personal capital drops sharply
Dutch personal capital was one fifth lower on 1 January 2010 than at the beginning of 2009.
Residential property prices down again
Prices of existing owner-occupied houses sold in October 2010 were on average 1.1 percent lower than in October 2009
Residential property prices marginally down again
Prices of existing owner-occupied houses sold in September 2010 were on average 0.6 percent lower than in September 2009.
House prices slightly down
Prices of existing owner-occupied residential property sold in August 2010 were on average 0.4 percent lower than in August 2009. Since February 2009, house prices have been continuously lower than...
House construction lagging
Building permits were issued for more than 25 thousand dwellings in the first half of 2010.
House rents up 1.6 percent
The amount of rent Dutch tenants pay for their homes was 1.6 percent higher on 1 July 2010 than one year previously. This is the equivalent of an average increase of 7 euro per month. It is the...
House prices are falling less once again
According to the price index of existing private residential property – a joint publication by Statistics Netherlands and the Land Registry Office – prices of houses sold in July 2010 were down by an...
House prices are falling less once again
According to the house price index of existing own homes, prices of houses sold in June 2010 were down by an average of 1.4 percent on June 2009.
Fall in house prices unchanged
According to the house price index of existing own homes – a joint publication by Statistics Netherlands and the Land Registry Office – prices of houses sold in May 2010 were on average 2.2 percent...
Residential building output slumps 44 percent
The recession has obviously affected the construction sector in the first quarter of 2010. The number of dwellings completed in the first quarter of 2010 was more than 44 percent lower than in the...
Strong rise in energy-labelled homes in Zeeland
Nearly one quarter of homes in the Netherlands had been issued with an energy label in December 2009. In June 2009 this was still only 13 percent.
Price decrease houses less substantial
According to the price index of existing owner-occupied houses prices of houses sold in March 2010 were on average 3.5 percent down on March 2009.
Record number of houses completed in 2009, prospects less favourable
In 2009, nearly 83 thousand were finished, an increase by more than 5 percent relative to one year previously and the highest number of reported completions since 1999.
Households by disposable household income and type of home in Ede and Scherpenzeel, 2007 (Dutch only)
The Centre for Policy Related Statistics was commissioned by housing corporation Woonstede to compile customised tables about households by disposable income and type of home in Ede and Scherpenzeel...
House price drop less substantial
Prices of existing owner-occupied houses sold in November were on average 4.7 percent down on November 2008. The price drop is less substantial than in October, when houses were 5.2 percent cheaper...
32 percent fewer building permits granted
In the third quarter of 2009, more than 15 thousand new building permits were granted, i.e. 32 percent down on the same period one year previously.
Less demand for higher priced houses
Houses prices (excl. new construction) were 20 thousand euro lower on average in October 2009 than twelve months previously. This substantial drop was the result of lower prices for the houses...
Estate agents and surveyors charge lower fees
In the third quarter of 2009, fees charged by estate agents and surveyors were more than 2 percent down on one year previously. This is due to declining sales of residential property, fewer...
One third of homes with an energy label can use a lot less energy
One in three of the nearly one million homes in the Netherlands with an energy label fall in energy category E, F or G. This means that they have a relatively high energy use and many measures can be...
Sharp drop in building permits for own homes
Dutch municipalities issued building permits for 32 thousand dwellings in the first half of 2009. This is nearly 10 percent down on the same period last year.
Economic contraction of 5.4 percent
The Dutch economy contracted by 5.4 percent in the second quarter of 2009 relative to the same period in 2008. In the first quarter, the downturn was 4.5 percent.