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65 results for keyword:European Union
65 results for keyword:European Union

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The Netherlands in European top 5 of 'lifelong learning'

In comparison with the rest of the EU, the Dutch are relatively active participants in ‘lifelong learning’. Training for work or leisure is more popular among highly educated and those working in...


Inflation rate stable in December

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the CPI inflation rates in November and December 2015 were 0.7 percent higher than in the same months in 2014. The rate over the entire year 2015 averaged...


Life expectancy gap between Dutch women and women elsewhere in Europe widening

Male life expectancy at birth for boys in the Netherlands was 79.9 years (2014). Male life expectancy is marginally higher in Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. Dutch girls have 83.3 years...


Life satisfaction rated 7.8 by the Dutch

Dutch people rate their life satisfaction at 7.8, taking them to fifth place within the EU.


Birth; age mother (on 31-12), birth order and fertility rates 1950-2014

Live born children by birth order from the mother, numbers and rates by age of the mother


exports to EU countries account for over one fifth of GDP and jobs

Goods and services exported to EU countries generated 140 billion euros and accounted for 1.4 million FTEs in 2013. This is one fifth of GDP and employment in the Netherlands.


Last year's inflow asylum seekers into EU more than 40 percent up from 2013

In 2014, the number of asylum seekers in the European Union increased by more than 40 percent relative to 2013. In the Netherlands, nearly 22 thousand people submitted requests for asylum, more than...


Nearly half a million Dutch live elsewhere in Europe

Many Dutch people make use of the right of free movement of persons within Europe: at the start of 2011 nearly half a million Dutch people were living in other European countries. Belgium in...


Number of school dropouts down in the Netherlands and the EU

The school dropout rate in the Netherlands was reduced in recent years to 8.8 percent in 2012. The rate across the EU was also gradually reduced.


Croatia small trading partner

The trade of goods with Croatia is limited. On 1 July 2013, Croatia will be the 28th country to join the European Union.


Growth rate new car sales in the Netherlands above EU average

The number of new commercial vehicles and passenger cars sold in the second quarter of 2011 increased by nearly 22 and 19 percent respectively relative to the same period last year, i.e. considerably...


European Union

What is the European Union

The European Union is a cooperation of European states, established under this name in 1993 by the Treaty of Maastricht. It began in the 1950's with an economic...


Dossier European Union

Dossier European Union


Over 1 billion euros spent in foreign EU webshops

In 2016, Dutch consumers spent over 1 billion euros on products sold by foreign EU webshops.
